Generally, this title is enacted with the purpose and intent of promoting, on behalf of Black Canyon, the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the residents, business operators and visitors to Black Canyon; to conserve and control the population density and to facilitate adequate and economical provisions for public improvements, all in accordance with the Black Canyon specific plan; for the desirable future physical development of Black Canyon; and to provide a method of administration, all as authorized by Gem County's plan, ordinances, as well as Idaho's statutes and constitution.
The purpose and intent of this title is to set forth the development standards and administrative procedures for implementing the land use policies of Black Canyon as detailed and implemented in the individual phasing plans, including preliminary and final plats, to be submitted for each phase.
Specifically, it is the purpose of this title to:
   A.   Provide for the design of quality, mixed use development within Black Canyon;
   B.   Provide distinctive, efficient and effective regulations to guide development in Black Canyon;
   C.   Encourage flexibility and creativity in Black Canyon's design and development in order to respond to market demand and site specific conditions while enhancing the economic viability and quality of Black Canyon as well as the city of Emmett and Gem County;
   D.   Encourage creative and innovative land planning and design processes throughout Black Canyon, which are sensitive to existing environmental conditions;
   E.   Provide for the integration and balance of a variety of uses in Black Canyon;
   F.   Establish responsibility for the development of essential public services throughout Black Canyon and the specific mechanisms by which they will be provided and financed;
   G.   Provide for phased and orderly development of Black Canyon utilizing consistent criteria;
   H.   Provide flexibility for reconfiguration of residential and nonresidential uses and/or population density as long as these reconfigurations do not conflict with the overall intent of Black Canyon and this title;
   I.   Establish the permitted uses and minimum standards for each category of residential and nonresidential use;
   J.   Identify and define standards for uses which may occur in each of the land use categories;
   K.   Establish a review and approval process for the development of Black Canyon. (Ord. 2005-13, 9-12-2005)