A.   Request: An applicant may request extension of the time period provided by this section by filing an application for extension with the administrator. Such application must be filed at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to expiration of the one year period for commencement of the land use or sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiration of the two (2) year period for completion of the project. The matter shall be heard at a public hearing before the commission or the board, whichever made the final decision, in accordance with the notice and hearing procedures of this chapter. If the application is not timely filed, it shall be denied. A renewal extension, if granted, may be limited to three hundred sixty five (365) calendar days, which shall commence at the expiration of either period.
   B.   Decision: The commission or the board may extend the commencement period or the completion period as provided above upon proof of good cause by the applicant. The burden of proof as to the showing of good cause for the extension shall be on the applicant, and good cause shall be determined at the discretion of the commission or the board. (Ord. 2009-05, 9-28-2009)