As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
BOARD OF HEALTH: The southwest III district health board.
DOMESTIC SEWAGE: Sewage derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, and institutions and may not contain ground water, surface water or storm water.
HEALTH OFFICER: The county health officer appointed by the board or his authorized representative.
INDUSTRIAL SEWAGE: Sewage in which industrial wastes predominate.
INDUSTRIAL WASTE: The liquid waste from industrial processes as distinct from domestic or sanitary sewage.
SANITARY CODE: The entire series of rules, now and hereafter adopted by the board of health, which govern the environment of the area under jurisdiction by the board, and specifically the several sections which follow hereafter.
SANITARY SEWAGE: A. Domestic sewage with storm and surface water included;
   B.   Sewage discharged from sanitary conveniences of dwellings, (including apartment houses and hotels), office buildings, factories and institutions; or
   C.   The water supply of a community after it has been used and discharged into a sewer.
SEWAGE: The liquid or water carried wastes from residences, business buildings, and institutions together with the sanitary sewage from industrial establishments, and with such ground water, surface water, and storm water as may be present, but for the purpose of these regulations shall not include industrial wastes.
SEWER: A pipe or conduit, generally closed but normally not flowing full, for carrying sewage or other waste liquids.
SEWERAGE SYSTEM: A system of sewers and appurtenances for the collection, transportation and pumping of sewage and industrial wastes.
SEWERAGE TREATMENT: Any artificial process to which sewerage is subjected in order to remove or alter its objectionable constituents and thus render it less offensive or dangerous, and approved by the state board of health. (Approved 12-27-1971)