(A)   Yearly rate adjustment. The City Council, with the advice and recommendation of the Fire Department, shall review and set the Fire Department emergency call charges each calendar year, at the annual Council meeting in January for that year. If the Council takes no action to change the fees set out in this chapter, the fees shall remain the same as set out herein.
   (B)   Standard fire calls. The standard fire call charge will be as set in the city fee schedule from year to year. The city reserves the right to bill beyond the standard fire call charge for its costs and expenses incurred in responding to calls that last for more than two hours. If the Fire Department is cancelled in route, there will be no charge for the call.
   (C)   Supplies cost. In addition to the basic fire call charge, the Fire Department shall be reimbursed its supply replacement cost for every five gallons of foam used, plus reimbursement for the Fire Department cost of any other supplies or materials expended in fighting the fire.
(Ord. 291, passed 3-21-2012)