Any branch of trade or industry employing labor and capital in a bulk retail (activity not permitted in a commercial district), service or manufacturing process which does not require, use or employ steam, diesel or gasoline engines as a prime mover, excepting that no industry or use noxious by reason of odor, dust, smoke, noise or gas shall be included which interferes with other uses hereby permitted. Examples of the bulk commercial service and light industrial uses permitted and included in this district are:
   (A)   Building materials, storage yard, lumber yards;
   (B)   Bottling establishments;
   (C)   Engraving, printing, publishing, cartographic and bookbinding establishments;
   (D)   Dry-cleaning, dyeing and laundering establishments;
   (E)   Machine shops, public and private garages; and
   (F)   Wholesale business and warehousing.
(Ord. 209.5, passed 12-14-1994)