(A)   Multiple-family dwellings;
   (B)   Apartment units as an integral part of commercial structures and typically located on the upper floors of the structure;
   (C)   Schools;
   (D)   Licensed day care facilities; and
   (E)   Auto dealerships, new and used auto sales:
      (1)   The volume of vehicles for sale shall be determined by the available sales area minus areas required for off-street parking required under § 153.196 as may be amended.
      (2)   A valid dealership license is maintained.
      (3)   Office space devoted to performing transactions in conjunction with the business is provided on site.
      (4)   Service and repair, if provided occupy less than 50% of the combined square footage used for sales, office, and display.
      (5)   Service and repair, if provided, shall be conducted indoors.
      (6)   Repair shall not include painting or body work.
   (F)   Other uses as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the same general character as those listed under § 153.086.
(Ord. 209.5, passed 12-14-1994; Am. Ord. 287, passed 7-20-2011; Am. Ord. 342, passed 9-15-2021; Am. Ord. 349, passed 5-4-2022)