(A)   Existing feed lots may be expanded regardless of location. However, existing feedlots which are closer than 1,000 feet to developed areas or to areas for which development is proposed or to the ordinary high water level of a public water body may not further encroach upon the 1,000 feet setback.
   (B)   Persons disposing of animal wastes shall comply with the applicable rules and permit procedures of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and it will be their responsibility to comply with these regulations.
   (C)   When it is necessary in the customary pursuit of general farming to use any type of fertilizer or other material in the treatment of land, the fertilizer or material shall be worked into the soil not more than three days after the spreading has taken place, weather permitting. Persons having complaints regarding an objectionable condition due to the fertilizer through air pollution, foul odor, attraction of insects and the like, shall make their complaints in writing to the Planning and Zoning Commission or its agent. Upon receiving a complaint, the Planning and Zoning Commission or its agent shall conduct a site visit and determine whether the complaint is valid. If it is determined the complaint is valid, the Planning and Zoning Commission or its agent shall issue a written order to work into the soil the manure or fertilizer to eliminate the offensive character within 24 hours of the order to do so. Persons failing to comply with the written order are subject to a penalty as set forth in §§ 153.266, 153.267 and 153.999.
   (D)   Additional requirements for parking and other regulations in the “A” Agricultural/Rural Residence District are set forth in §§ 153.215 through 153.224.
(Ord. 209.5, passed 12-14-1994)