§ 152.001 PURPOSE.
   Land subdivision is the first step in the process of community development. Once land has been divided into streets, blocks, lots and open spaces, a pattern has been established which determines how well community needs for residence, business and industry will be met. It also determines, to a great extent, how well the community will be able to handle its traffic circulation problems, how well it will be able to meet the demand for more home sites and how efficiently and economically it will be able to provide the many services that are required. These subdivision regulations are designed to provide the many services that are required. These subdivision regulations are designed to provide for harmonious development of a subdivided area; for a coordinated layout; for the proper arrangement of streets; for adequate and convenient spaces for traffic, utilities, recreation, light, air and access for firefighting equipment; and for adequate provision for water, drainage, sewer and other sanitary facilities. These regulations shall not apply to land used only for agricultural purposes.
(Ord. 232, passed 11-1-2000)