(A) Purpose. The purpose of the I-2, Heavy Industrial District is to provide areas suitable for the location of general industrial activities, including heavy manufacturing and other such activities which, because of the nature of the product or character of operation, require more isolation from or special protections for non-industrial uses.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District:
(1) Any use permitted in the I-1 District as regulated therein.
(2) Manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment, distribution, or storage of the following products or materials:
(a) Food processing;
(b) Brewing;
(c) Cement, concrete, stone cutting, brick, glass;
(d) Ceramic products;
(e) Mill working;
(f) Metal polishing and plating;
(g) Rubber products, plastics, meat packing, flour;
(h) Feed or grain milling;
(i) Sawmill; and
(j) Steel and other metal products.
(C) Conditional uses. Building or land may be used for the following if granted a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 153.22. Any use not listed shall be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator and shall follow standards as set forth in this section.
(1) Adult uses providing they are located on lots/parcels which do not abut Minnesota Highways 5, 19, or 22.
(2) Any conditional uses permitted in the I-1 District.
(3) Other uses as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be of the same general character as the conditional uses listed above.
(D) Permitted accessory uses. The following uses are permitted accessory uses in the I-2 District: any accessory use permitted in the I-1 District.
(E) Minimum lot requirements and setbacks.
(1) Lot area: one acre.
(2) Lot width: 100 feet.
(3) Building height: 40 feet (principal structure).
(4) Setbacks.
(a) Principal structures:
1. Front yard: 30 feet.
2. Side yard: 20 feet.
3. Street side yard: 30 feet.
4. Rear yard: 50 feet.
5. Rear yard: 75 feet (if adjacent to a residential district).
(b) Accessory structures:
1. Front yard: not permitted in front yards.
2. Side yard: ten feet.
3. Street side yard: 30 feet.
4. Rear yard: ten feet.
5. Alley rear yard: ten feet.
(F) Maximum accessory building height. The maximum accessory building height shall be 40 feet.
(G) Maximum site coverage. The maximum site coverage shall be 85% and shall be calculated to include building footprints; parking areas; driveways; loading, storage and trash areas and other areas covered by an impervious surface.
(Ord. 366, passed 8-7-2024)