(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the R-2 Two- and Multiple-Family Residential District is to provide for two-family residential dwelling units and to provide for multiple-family residential structures. This district is suitable for both medium and high-density residential use.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in an R-2 District:
      (1)   Two-family dwellings.
      (2)   Multiple family dwelling up to three units per structure.
      (3)   Public parks and playgrounds.
      (4)   Licensed day care facilities.
      (5)   Essential services are permitted except those that exceed 60 feet above ground or greater than 115 kilovolts.
   (C)   Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an R-2 District:
      (1)   Private garages, parking spaces and accessory structures for licensed and operable passenger cars. Private garages are intended for use to store the private passenger vehicles of the occupants, and in which no business service is carried on.
      (2)   The storage of recreational vehicles and equipment.
      (3)   Home occupations as regulated by § 153.44.
      (4)   Non-commercial greenhouses, gardens, and conservatories.
      (5)   Swimming pools, decks, tennis courts and other recreational facilities which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the
principal use and their guests.
      (6)   Tool houses, sheds, and similar buildings for storage of domestic supplies and non-commercial recreational equipment.
      (7)   Fences.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an R-2 District requiring a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 153.22.
      (1)   Multiple-family dwellings with over three units per structure.
      (2)   Governmental and public regulated utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of the city.
      (3)   Public or semi-public recreational buildings and neighborhood or community centers, public and private educational institutions limited to elementary, junior high and senior high schools; hospitals and religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples, synagogues, and cemeteries.
      (4)   Foster homes licensed by the State of Minnesota serving six or less mentally or physically challenged persons.
      (5)   Golf courses.
      (6)   Essential services exceeding 60 feet in height or greater than 115 kilovolts.
      (7)   Bed and breakfast inn.
   (E)   Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R-2 District subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter. Listed are minimum requirements, unless specifically identified as maximum.
      (1)   Lot area.
         (a)   Two-family:
            1.   10,000 square feet.
            2.   Per unit: 5,000 square feet.    
         (b)   Multiple-family; total: 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Lot width.
         (a)   Two-family:
            1.   Interior lot: 75 feet.
            2.   Corner lot: 100 feet.
         (b)   Multiple-family:
            1.   Interior lot: 75 feet.
            2.   Corner lot: 100 feet.
      (3)   Setbacks; principal building.
         (a)   Front yard: 30 feet.
         (b)   Side yard:
            1.   Interior lot:
               a.   Ten feet.
               b.   Zero feet if the principal buildings share a common wall.
            2.   Corner lot: 25 feet on the side yard abutting onto a public street.
         (c)   Rear yard: 30 feet.
      (4)   Setbacks; accessory buildings.
         (a)   Front yard: accessory buildings shall be located behind the front building line of the principal building and not less than 30 feet from the front property line.
         (b)   Side yard:
            1.   Interior lot: five feet.
            2.   Corner lot: 20 feet on the side yard abutting onto a public street.
         (c)   Rear yard:
            1.   Five feet.
            2.   If the entrance is fronting a public right-of-way: 20 feet.
            3.   If vehicle access to the structure is from an alley: 15 feet.
      (5)   Lot coverage. No structure or combination of structures, including detached garages, shall occupy more than 50% of the lot area.
      (6)   Placement of buildings.
         (a)   There shall be a minimum of ten feet between principal and accessory buildings (excluding decks).
         (b)   There shall be no structures of any kind within any city easement, except if written permission has been granted by the city.
   (F)   Building standards.
      (1)   Maximum height.
         (a)   Principal building: 35 feet.
         (b)   Accessory building: 16 feet.
      (2)   Floor area.
         (a)   Principal building; minimum:
            1.   Two bedrooms: 960 square feet.
            2.   Three plus bedrooms: 1,040 square feet.
         (b)   Garages:
            1.   Minimum-attached: 400 square feet (new construction).
            2.   Maximum-detached: 900 square feet.
         (c)   Accessory building; maximum: 900 square feet.
      (3)   Minimum width and depth. All dwellings, including manufactured homes, shall have a depth of at least 20 feet for at least 50% of the width. All dwellings, including manufactured homes, shall have a width of least 20 feet for at least 50% of their depth.
      (4)   Garage floor elevations shall be not less than 18 inches and not more than 36 inches as measured from the top of the curb at the mid-point of the garage to the garage floor at the mid-point of the garage door opening. The minimum slope of the driveway shall be 2% and the maximum slope of the driveway shall be 10%. Exceptions to these standards may be approved by the Zoning Administrator, after consultation with the city or development engineer, for special circumstances such as an increased setback, site topography and flooding potential, provided that proper site and area drainage is maintained, and the elevation of the structure is in keeping with the character of the area.
(Ord. 366, passed 8-7-2024)