Ord. or
Res. No.   Date   Description
80   3-5-28   To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to erect poles and wires.
133   6-17-29   To Village for sewers in property of M.M. Miner.
134   6-17-29   To Village for sewers in property of J. Connell.
387   3-11-35   To Berkshire Water Assn. for water main in Berkshire Rd.
413   2-24-36   Amends Ord. 387.
434   10-11-37   To Village for fire water lines in WPA project.
497   7-28-41   To Village for water main in Gates Mills West.
621   5-13-46   To Village for water main in Broadlawn Farms.
663   5-12-47   To Village for water main in Gates Rd.
973   5-7-56   To City of Mayfield Hts. for water main at S.O.M. Center Rd. and Gates Mills Blvd.
976   7-2-56   To Gates View Development Co. for sewer in Mayfield Twp. Lots 17 and 18.
980   8-6-56   To Village for water main in Dorchester Rd.
986   9-20-56   To Village for water mains in Norvale, Suffolk and Robinwood Rds.
987   9-20-56   To Village for water main in Knollwood Dr.
1193   4-9-62   To L.J. Hyman for a bridge over Chagrin River.
1320   4-19-65   To Village, across property of M.F. Davidson, for road purposes.
Res.1679   3-18-74   To Village for water main in The Woods Subdivision.
Res.1683   5-13-74   To Village for water main in Hanover Rd. in The Woods Subdivision.
Res.1769   2-9-76   To Village, additional easements to Suffolk Country Estates.
Res.1771   4-12-76   To Village for sewers in Covert Meadows Subdivision.
Res.1821   8-8-77   To Village for maintenance of water main in Hanover Rd.
Res.1822   8-8-77   To A.M. Hanus for sewers in Sugarbrush Colony Subdivision.
Res.2243   9-14-87   To developers for water main for Settlers Ridge Subdivision.
Res.2293   10-22-88   Approves Giordano easement relocation and storm sewer plans for Sublot 15A, Surrey Place.
2317   3-11-89   To Louis J. Marino Development Co. for access and utilities to West Hill Estate Subdivision.
2333   5-3-89   To Old Livery Investment Co., use of property immediately surrounding the Tavern to provide access thereto.
2334   5-8-89   To developers for water main for West Hill Estates Subdivision.
2339   6-12-89   To Dr. and Mrs. Hyman for ingress and egress to their property across the Chagrin River to Chagrin River Rd.
2460   8-13-91   To Village for installation and maintenance of a water main for the Village Trails Subdivision.
Res.2673   11-14-95   To Village from S.M. Hyatt.
Res.2681   11-14-95   To Village, for water line improvements, from the Berkshire Rd. Water Co.
Res.2689   12-12-95   Authorizes reciprocal easement agreement with the Courtney Burton Trust, et al.
Res. 2695   2-13-96   To Village for water main improvements from J.B. and R.A.M. Bickley, et al.
Res.2705   3-12-96   To Village for water main purposes from Votruba Builders, Inc., Cleveland Metroparks, N. and V. Victor and the Village of Gates Mills. Amends Res. 2695.
Res.2795   1-14-97   To Village from R. and L. Adamic.
Res.2813   4-8-97   To Village for water line improvements from property owners along Racebrook Rd.
Res.2814   4-8-97   To Village for water line improvements from property owners on Daisy Wood Ln.
Res.2815   4-8-97   To Village for water line improvements from property owners on Robinwood Ln.
Res.2820   5-13-97   To Village for supply of water from property owners on Glen Echo Ln.
Res.2821   5-13-97   To Village for supply of water from N. and M. Gambatesa.
Res.2841   6-26-97   To Village for installation and maintenance of a water main from S.J. and K.L. Drummond.
Res.2868   10-7-97   To Cleveland Water Dept. for water main purposes.
2870   11-11-97   To Airtouch Cellular for nonexclusive access to tower.
Res.2898   2-10-98   Authorizes permanent easement agreement with Mr. and Mrs. M. Siegel.
Res.2901   3-10-98   To City of Cleveland for water line purposes.
Res.2902   3-10-98   Accepting Echo Glen water easements.
Res.2903   3-10-98   Accepting Osage Way water easements.
Res.2904   3-10-98   Accepting Fox Hill East water easements.
Res.2905   3-10-98   Accepting the Old Cord water easements.
Res.2906   3-10-98   Accepting the Highwood Rd. water easements.
Res.2918   4-14-98   To Airtouch Cellular, nonexclusive utility easement for wireless telecommunication facility.
Res.2919   4-14-98   Accepting High Point Dr. water easements.
Res.2920   4-14-98   Accepting Grey Eagle Chase water easements.
Res.2921   4-14-98   Accepting a Highwood Rd. Assn. water easement.
Res.2922   4-14-98   Accepting circulation main water easements.
Res.3020   7-13-99   Accepting easement from D.A. Spirk for water main purposes.
Res.3021   7-13-99   Accepting easement fom J.P. and L.L. Jacobs for water main purposes.
Res.3026   7-28-99   Accepting standard easement from E.H. Quintrell, individually, and T.A. Quintrell, Trustee, for water main purposes.
Res.3038   11-9-99   Amends Res. 3026.
Res.2001-5   2-13-01   To the City of Cleveland for water main purposes.
Res.2001-6   2-13-01   Easement agreement with the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District for sanitary effluent sewers.
Res.2003-11   4-8-03   Placing a declaration of conservation easement upon the Knollwood Open Space Project.
Res.2006-59   12-12-06   Accepting a temporary construction easement from T.B. and C.F. Kennedy for the Woods Pump Station Project.
Res.2006-60   12-12-06   Accepting a permanent easement from T.B. and C.F. Kennedy for the Woods Pump Station Project.
Res.2007-48   1-8-08      Grants a conservation easement to the Gates Mills Land Conservancy for an approximately 25 acre parcel of real property known as the “Polo Field”.
Res.2013-03   3-12-13   Accepting nine conservation easements from the Gates Mills Land Conservancy.