There is hereby established in and for the Village a Board of Cemetery Trustees which shall consist of five members. All members of the Board of Cemetery Trustees must be electors in the Village. At least two members of the Board of Cemetery Trustees may not hold other municipal office. Members of the Board of Cemetery Trustees shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the members of Council.
(a) Term. Each appointment shall be for a term of two years, with at least one appointment occurring each year. Beginning on January 1, 2017, two members shall be appointed for one-year terms in the manner set forth above in this section and three members shall be appointed for two-year terms in the manner set forth above in this section. Thereafter, as those terms expire, the appointment of members shall all be for two-year terms. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Cemetery Board of Trustees shall be filled for the remainder of the vacated term in the manner authorized for an original appointment. Members may serve consecutive terms.
(b) Compensation. Members of the Board of Cemetery Trustees shall serve without compensation.
(c) Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Cemetery Trustees shall be held as needed as determined by the Chair of the Board of Cemetery Trustees and shall be held at the Village Hall. Three votes of the membership shall be required to take any action. A quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be three members of the Board. The Board shall appoint a person to serve as its Secretary for the purpose of taking and maintaining the minutes of the Board.
(d) Chair. The Board shall elect a Chair from its membership who shall serve without compensation for a one-year term.
(Ord. 2016-28. Passed 1-10-17.)