(a)   For the purpose of regulating front yards, for the purpose of further regulating side yards of corner structures, and for the purpose of regulating the alignment of structures near street frontages, building lines, as set forth on the Zone Map which accompanies this Zoning Code and which is hereby declared to be a part hereof, are hereby established. The Map designations and the Map designation rules which accompany such Map are hereby declared to be a part hereof.
   (b)   Between a building line and the street line, no structure or portion of a structure extending above the established grade may be erected. In a Class U1 District, a one-story unenclosed porch may, however, be constructed between the building line and the street line.
   (c)   Where a building line is shown on the Zone Map as an existing alignment line, the alignment of the structure existing along such frontage shall determine the building line.
   (d)   On any street frontage in a district, where no building line is designated on the Zone Map, the location of the building line shall be as follows:
       (1)   In Class U1-A1 and U1-A2 Districts, on a street frontage on either side of a street between two intersecting streets, but excluding the frontage along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building line back from the street line shall be twenty percent of the average or normal depth of the lots having their front lines along such street frontage. Such distance back from the street line need not be more than 100 feet, but in no case shall it be less than 100 feet.
      (2)   In Class U1-A3 and U1-A4 Districts, on a street frontage on either side of a street between the two intersecting streets, but excluding the frontage along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building line back from the street line shall be twenty percent of the average or normal depth of the lots having their front lines along such street frontage, but such distance back from the street line need not be more than fifty feet, but in no case shall it be less than fifty feet.
      (3)   In a Class U2 District, on a street frontage on either side of a street between two intersecting streets, but excluding the frontage along the side line of a corner lot, the distance back from the centerline of the street shall be at least fifty feet.
      (4)   In a Class U4 District, along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building line back from the street line shall be twenty percent of the average width of such lot, but such distance back from the street line need not be more than forty feet.
      (5)   In a Class U2 District, along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building line back from the centerline of the street shall be twenty percent of the average width of such lot, but such distance back from the centerline of the street need not be more than forty feet.
      (6)   Certain exceptions, because of unusual land contour conditions, may be specially approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals and Council, and be granted. Where, in any portion of such street, there are lots of markedly less depth than normal, the Planning and Zoning Commission, in defining and applying this building line regulation, may, when in its opinion the general purpose and intent of this section will be better served thereby, divide such street frontage into sections for the application of the above twenty-percent building line requirement. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "lot" shall include unimproved parcels in separate ownership and unimproved lots or parcels in subdivisions of land.
       (7)   In Class U1-A1, U1-A2, U1-A3 and U1-A4 Districts, along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building setback from the street line of the side street shall be one-half the distance of the applicable front yard setback.
   (e)   For lots where no building line is designated on the Zone Map or on a recorded plat and which have no immediate street frontage, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to designate a lot line as the front line of the lot, which shall be deemed to be the "street line" for the purposes of front yard standards. In making this designation, the Planning Commission shall take into consideration the orientation of existing and proposed buildings on the lot and on surrounding lots.
(Ord. 3053. Passed 3-14-00.)