(a)   Council hereby designates as Founders Park a certain parcel of unimproved Village Park land lying between Old Mill Road and the Chagrin River, as set forth in the legal description and drawing prepared by The C.W. Courtney Company under date of May 6, 1982, attached to original Ordinance 2056, passed May 10, 1982, and made a part thereof by reference.
   (b)   The parcel described in subsection (a) hereof is hereby dedicated to the memory of the founders of the Village, to be publicly declared by Mayor John M. Marston at a Memorial Day Dedication Ceremony to be held on Monday, May 31, 1982, at 10:30 a.m., for the following public purposes:
      (1)   As a bird and wildlife sanctuary and nature preserve; and
      (2)   For the conservation of forest reserves and to protect the Chagrin River and its banks from erosion and pollution;
and to such ends, such premises shall be kept in their natural state, without disturbance of habitat of plant or animal populations, except for such trails as may be appropriate, and except for such maintenance and plantings as may be required, to effectuate the foregoing public purposes.
   (c)   Such land shall remain under the supervision and control of the Park Commission. (Ord. 2056. Passed 5-10-82.)