(A)   Roads and privates entrances. Roads and private entrances shall be restored in accordance with Standard No. MD-578.01 or as specified in the permit. Existing concrete entrance aprons, if damaged, shall be replaced completely using MD SHA concrete mix No. 2. The thickness of the concrete apron shall be a minimum of 10 inches for commercial entrances and 6 inches for residential entrances.
   (B)   Shoulder areas. Shoulder areas shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the County Roads Department. Material shall be applied and compacted in accordance with current SHA Standards and Specifications for Construction & Materials, January, 2001, as amended.
   (C)   Curbs and sidewalks. Curbs and sidewalks shall be replaced with the same material, construction, and finish as the originals. All disturbed sections or blocks shall be replaced in their entirety. Sidewalks shall be at least 4 inches thick.
   (D)   Guardrails. Guardrails shall be replaced in accordance with the current SHA Book of Standards and the current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
   (E)   Fences. Fences shall be replaced in accordance with the SHA Standard and Specifications for Construction and Materials, and the SHA Book of Standards.
   (F)   Drainage structures.
      (1)   All drainage facilities must function, not only after work is completed, but also while work is in progress. Storm drain faculties and concrete ditches damaged during construction shall be reconstructed "in kind" in accordance with the SHA Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials, and the SHA Book of Standards. Contractor will be responsible for any permits required to complete such work.
      (2)   Disturbed, unpaved drainage ditches shall be restored to their original condition by resodding or seeding and mulching as determined by the permit, and shall be left in an orderly condition. Stream beds shall be left free of debris.
   (G)   Topsoil and ground cover. The utility shall take all necessary steps during construction to minimize erosion and siltation onto the right-of-way. Disturbed areas shall be top soiled, seeded, mulched and fertilized. Topsoil removed during excavation shall be stockpiled and subsequently replaced to a depth of 2 inches. All desirable trees, shrubs, and other plant materials shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the County Roads Department.
   (H)   Additional restoration. Signs, delineators, markers, steps, and other miscellaneous structures that are disturbed by the construction shall be replaced or restored to the satisfaction of the County Roads Department. County signs, delineators, and guardrails shall not be removed until immediately prior to the excavating, and shall be replaced in their original locations immediately after the backfill operations. If damaged, they shall be replaced in accordance with the current Standard Specifications for Construction & Materials, the Book of Standards, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
   (I)   Protection of roadways.
      (1)   No equipment with metallic treads shall be driven or towed on any road surface or surfaced shoulder. The county may grant an exception for metal trucks with road liners.
      (2)   Material or equipment not provided with rubber-tired wheels shall not be dragged or skidded across paved surfaces.
(Ord. —, passed 6-30-2009) Penalty, see § 54.99