The County Commissioners and the Garrett County Fire Marshal shall have all rights, powers, duties and authorities prescribed by the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and all Codes of Ordinance of Garrett County, Maryland. The County Commissioners shall have the power and authority to make changes in and expended or incurred by the Fire Marshal in avoiding, abating, correcting or removing or having avoided, abated, corrected or removed such dangerous condition shall be and become a debt, jointly and severally, due and owing by each and every owner of the premises, building or other structure whereon or wherein the dangerous condition exists and by any other person responsible for the creating of said condition to the County Commissioners upon the completion of the work or operation necessary to eliminate such dangerous condition. The amounts of any and all of the aforesaid debts due and owing to the County Commissioners shall be collected or enforced in the same manner as any other debts due and owing to the County Commissioners are collected or enforced.
   (A)   Violations of Fire Prevention Code. Every person shall fully comply with all of the terms and provisions of the Fire Prevention Code and with all the terms and provisions of any notice, order or decision issued by the Fire Marshal or the County Commissioners. Any act or actions which are contrary to any provision or requirement of and any and all failures to comply with any provisions or requirements of the Fire Prevention Code or any such notice, order or decision shall constitute a violation of the Fire Prevention Code.
   (B)   Violations. Any person who violates the provisions of this subchapter shall be guilty of a civil infraction.
(Res. 2022-7, passed 7-11-2022)