Floodplain variances shall only be granted upon findings by the local permitting official, with the concurrence of the Directors, that the development complies with each of the following conditions which are consistent with sound floodplain management:
   (A)   Good and sufficient cause is demonstrated.
   (B)   Exceptional hardship exists (economic hardship shall not be considered exceptional).
   (C)   The proposed development is the minimum necessary to afford relief.
   (D)   Development shall not increase flood heights, shall not increase upstream or downstream flooding and shall not cause or aggravate drainage problems or stormwater management problems on off-site properties.
   (E)   Additional threats to public safety are not posed.
   (F)   A determination that the granting of a floodplain variance will not result in extraordinary public expense or create nuisances, cause fraud or victimization of the public.
   (G)   No conflicts occur with existing local laws or ordinances.
   (H)   Comments from the State National Flood Insurance Program Coordinator are received.
   (I)   Floodproofing requirements in FEMA regulations are met.
   (J)   Any other conditions that the Directors may deem necessary for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public.
(Ord. —, passed 8-20-2013)