(A)   Floodplain zone determination. The local permitting official will determine the floodplain zone in which the development activity is proposed using the FIRMs and FIS if applicable. Without prior approval from FEMA, the community shall use no other data to enforce floodplain management regulations. Where map boundaries and elevations disagree, elevations prevail, with approval from FEMA through the issuance of a letter of map change or amendment.
   (B)   Approximate floodplain determination. For development proposed in the approximate floodplain (no water surface elevations or floodway data provided), the applicant must use the best available information to determine the elevation of the 100-year flood and the extent of the floodway, and must delineate these on the site plan submitted for approval. For new subdivisions, the applicant must have the 100-year flood elevations certified by a registered professional engineer based on hydrologic and hydraulic analyses which include a floodway analysis.
(Ord. —, passed 10-22-1991; Am. Ord. —, passed 8-20-2013)