(A)   See § 157.042, Exceptions to Minimum Lot Sizes, authorizing use of nonconforming lots.
   (B)   Nonconforming lots may be altered through a lot line adjustment, as provided in the Subdivision Ordinance, even if the resulting lots are nonconforming, provided that the lot line adjustment:
      (1)   Does not increase the extent of a nonconformity; and
      (2)   Does not result in a conforming lot becoming nonconforming.
   (C)   Any parcel containing multiple lots that were created prior to June 1, 1975, but which is held in title by 1 deed containing a perimeter metes and bound description combining said lots, shall be treated as 1 lot for purposes of this chapter.
(Res. 2010-7, passed 5-25-2010)