(A)   A use of land or use of structure which does not conform to the regulations of §§ 157.020 et seq. may be enlarged by extension, alteration, reconstruction or other change provided that application for a zoning permit is approved and further provided that:
         (1)   Such enlargement shall not exceed 35% of the floor area of a nonconforming structure; and
         (2)   Such enlargement shall not exceed 20% of the land area actually occupied by a non-structural nonconforming use.
   (B)   A nonconforming structure, as defined in § 157.007, may be altered, reconstructed or enlarged, subject to the following:
      (1)   If the use or structure also falls under division (A) above, any change shall be subject to the provisions of that paragraph.
      (2)   Alteration, reconstruction or enlargement shall be permitted if the area of expansion or reconstruction complies with current minimum yard and maximum height requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   Reconstruction or expansion that does not comply with current yard or setback requirements of this chapter shall be permitted if the area of expansion or reconstruction encroaches no further than the existing structure into a required minimum yard or setback area.
(Ord. —, passed 5-13-1997; Am. Ord. —, passed 8-8-2000; Am. Ord. —, passed 4-30-2002; Am. Res. 2010-7, passed 5-25-2010; Am. Res. 2021-10, passed 10-19-2021)