(A)   Intent. The standards in this section are intended to ensure that new, nonresidential construction in the Town Center, Town Residential and General Commercial zoning districts makes a positive contribution to the visual quality of Garrett County in order to maintain property values, encourage economic development and enhance the character of existing communities. These standards are not intended to require use of any particular architectural style or material or imitation of existing buildings.
   (B)   Review and approval. The following requirements apply to applications for principal non-residential structures in the TC, TR and C districts:
      (1)   Zoning permit applications shall include plans and documentation (drawings, sketches, photographs, or samples) sufficient to demonstrate compliance with these standards.
      (2)   The Zoning Administrator shall approve permits only upon a determination that the use complies with the standards of this section.
      (3)   The Zoning Administrator shall request the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the design of any proposed principal, non-residential structure that will be visible from a public road and will use metal siding on any facade.
   (C)   Architectural standards.
      (1)   Construct buildings of high quality, permanent materials that are compatible with the quality of materials traditionally used in the surrounding rural, mountain or town architecture. In locations visible from a public road, no more than 60% of the building facade may have metal siding.
      (2)   Design all sides of the building visible from a roadway or public area to be of finished quality and consistent in material and style with the front of the building.
      (3)   Avoid blank walls more than 50 feet in length within view from the roadway or public area. Provide visual variety by using elements such as windows, facade offsets, recessed or projected entries or other appropriate architectural features, or by using tree planting or landscaping.
      (4)   Roof types.
         (a)   To the greatest extent possible, a sloped roof representative of the traditional architectural forms in the area shall be incorporated with building design. Preferred roof types are gable, cross gable, hipped, shed, or mansard.
   Figure 5. Roof types
         (b)   Flat roofs are not permitted unless specifically approved by the Zoning Administrator based on findings that a flat roof for a particular proposed building design meets the intent of this section. A parapet shall be provided to screen roof-top equipment.
   (D)   Lake access. To the fullest extent feasible, businesses located on lake front lots as defined by § 157.007 shall establish and maintain the following amenities for customers and clients of the on-site establishments:
      (1)   Pedestrian access to the buffer strip and shoreline of Deep Creek Lake.
      (2)   Pedestrian amenities such as walkways and seating areas on portions of the site within view of Deep Creek Lake and adjacent to the Lake's buffer strip.
   (E)   Pedestrian access. Commercial uses shall be designed to provide safe, convenient pedestrian access between parking areas, sidewalks and on-site or neighboring non-residential buildings.
(Res. 2010-7, passed 5-25-2010)