No land or structure in any Zoning District shall be used or occupied in any manner that creates any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable fire, explosive or other hazards; noise or vibration; smoke, dust, odor or other form of air pollution; heat, electromagnetic or other radiation, or other condition in such manner or in such amount as to affect adversely the reasonable use of the surrounding area or adjoining premises.
   (A)   Performance standard procedure.
      (1)   Where there is reason to believe that the nature of a proposed use would make it difficult to comply with the applicable standards, the Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to submit plans of the proposed construction and a description of the proposed machinery, operations and products, and specifications for the mechanisms and techniques to be used in restricting the emission of any dangerous and objectionable elements listed in this section, provided, however, that no applicant shall be required to reveal the secret details of industrial or trade data and may specify that the plans or other information submitted pursuant to this section shall be treated as confidential matters.
      (2)   Affidavit. The application for such a permit shall include an affidavit signed by the applicant acknowledging his or her understanding of the performance standards specified herein and applicable to such use and affirming his or her agreement to conduct or operate such use at all times in conformance with such standards.
   (B)   Standards applicable to other uses. Regardless of whether or not a use is required to comply with the procedure specified in division (A) above, every use shall comply with the performance standards in this section.
   (C)   Noise and vibration prohibitions. All uses shall comply with Title 26 Department of the Environment – Subtitle 02-Chapter 03-Control of Noise Pollution, of the Annotated Code of Maryland (COMAR).
   (D)   Standards for air quality control. All uses shall comply with the Code of Maryland Regulations regarding air pollution.
   (E)   Standards for water service, sewage service, stormwater and erosion control. All uses shall comply with the Code of Maryland Regulations, Title 26 “Environment” regarding water and sewage services, erosion and sedimentation control, and stormwater management.
   (F)   Standards for fire and explosion hazards. All uses involving flammable and explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion in the use and storage of such materials and with adequate firefighting and fire-suppression equipment acceptable to the state’s Fire Marshal.
   (G)   Standards for water quality. All uses shall comply with the water pollution and water quality laws and regulations of the State of Maryland.
(Ord. —, passed 5-13-1997; Am. Ord. —, passed 8-8-2000; Am. Ord. —, passed 4-30-2002; Am. Res. 2006-14, passed 10-3-2006)