To assist in interpreting the provisions of this chapter, the following summarizes the purposes for the various zoning districts:
(A) Agricultural Resource - To protect rural character and conserve natural resources, primarily agricultural land, and also including forests and sensitive environmental areas by limiting residential development to a low density and providing a cluster subdivision option. To retain the value of land by allowing subdivision with a minimum lot size of 3 acres, or 1 acre under specified conditions. To allow selected commercial and recreational uses that do not conflict with the preservation of agricultural resources
(B) Rural Resource - To protect rural character and conserve natural resources, primarily forest and timber resources, and also including agricultural land and sensitive environmental areas by limiting residential development to a low density and providing a cluster subdivision option. To retain the value of land by allowing subdivision with a minimum lot size of 3 acres, or 1 acre under specified conditions. To allow selected commercial and recreational uses that do not conflict with the preservation of forest and timber resources.
(C) Lake Residential 1 District - By limiting residential development to a relatively low average density, this district is intended to help reduce pressures for overdevelopment and overcrowding which would threaten the public health, safety and welfare by undermining property values, jeopardizing investments, threatening the tax base, causing pollution, creating health and safety hazards and endangering the balance of ecological systems within the lake’s drainage basin. The Lake Residential District 1 is intended for areas that fall within existing or future public sewer service boundaries, allowing for residential development at 1 dwelling unit per acre. Besides low-density residential use and continued farming and forestry, this district also is intended to help reduce possible pressure for overuse of the lake surface by accommodating certain types of land-based family-oriented recreation facilities. Most non-residential uses are treated as special exceptions to ensure adequate safeguards for preventing nuisances to adjoining properties.
(D) The Lake Residential 2 District is intended to limit residential development to 1 dwelling per 2 acres within areas not planned for public water or public sewer service, thereby reducing pressure for overdevelopment that would undermine property values, cause pollution and endanger the balance of ecological systems within the lake's drainage basin. This district is intended to allow continued farming and forestry and to accommodate recreational uses in the same manner as in the Lake Residential 1 District.
(E) Town Residential District - To provide for higher-density, more compact village or small-town settlements where central water and sewage service exist. To provide for single family homes, side-by-side twins, townhouses and apartments at an average density of approximately 4 to 5 units per acre. To provide for a few selected types of small commercial uses, while making sure these areas remain basically residential in nature.
(F) Town Center District - To recognize the core areas of existing towns. To provide for higher-density, more compact village or small-town settlements where central water and sewage service exist. To provide for single family homes, side-by-side twins, townhouses and apartments at an average density of approximately 5 to 6 units per acre. To also provide for retail stores, restaurants, offices and similar light commercial uses, while avoiding heavy commercial and industrial uses.
(G) General Commercial District - To mainly provide for larger and/or heavier commercial uses that are not compatible with residential areas and town center locations. To also provide for certain types of compatible light industrial development.
(H) Commercial Resort 1 and 2 - To provide for commercial recreation uses and supporting commercial activities. To promote resort-type light commercial uses and family recreation, while avoiding heavy highway commercial development. The Commercial Resort 1 district provides opportunities for visitor-oriented commercial development, but not major residential development. The Commercial Resort 2 district emphasizes land-based family-oriented development, while allowing for residential development at an average density of 1 unit per acre.
(Ord. —, passed 5-13-1997; Am. Ord. —, passed 8-8-2000; Am. Ord. —, passed 4-30-2002; Am. Res. 2010-7, passed 5-25-2010)