(A)   This chapter shall be administered by the staff of the Garrett County Department of Planning and Land Development.
   (B)   The staff shall review applications for building permits and subdivisions to determine compliance with this chapter.
   (C)   Unless the staff determines that a site plan is not necessary to determine compliance with this chapter, the applicant shall be required to submit a site plan in sufficient detail to determine compliance with this chapter. The site plan shall, at an absolute minimum, show:
      (1)   Detailed existing and proposed contours in areas of over 25% slope;
      (2)   Proposed locations of structures, parking, paving and stone surfaces;
      (3)   Wetland areas; and
      (4)   Streams and their required buffer areas.
   (D)   If the staff determines that a detailed site plan showing the specific locations of proposed features is not necessary, then a generalized site plan may be submitted. The generalized site plan shall show the maximum outer extent of areas that will be authorized for use of proposed structures, parking, stone surfaces and paving. The general site plan shall still show contours in affected areas of steep slopes and streams and their required buffer areas.
   (E)   Generalized Sensitive Areas Maps.
      (1)   The Generalized Sensitive Areas Maps shall be adopted by the County Commissioners.
      (2)   The Sensitive Areas Maps:
         (a)   Identify streams, establish the boundaries of source water protection areas, and show growth areas identified in the Comprehensive Plan, for purposes of applying the requirements of this section.
         (b)   Show general locations of Maryland Sensitive Species Project Review Areas for informational purposes. The county will refer property owners to federal or state agencies for review related to rare, threatened or endangered species. See § 156.06 above.
         (c)   Identify general locations of environmentally sensitive areas for informational purposes, including but not limited to wetlands, floodplains, and steep slopes. The existence of these features and their impact on a particular proposed development project must be verified through site analysis.
      (3)   A property owner impacted by a source water protection area may propose a change to the boundary by submitting an application to the Department of Planning and Land Development. The application shall include detailed hydrogeologic and hydrologic information indicating where in fact the new boundary line should be drawn. The Sourcewater Protection Planning Team shall be given a copy of the information. The Department of Planning and Land Development shall seek competent technical advice to evaluate the request.
(Ord. —, passed 6-24-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Am. Res. 2010-6, passed 5-25-2010)