(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge fireworks within city limits outside the specifications of this section. Legal discharge will be from June 27 through the first Sunday following July 4, and December 28 through January 1. Special permission may be requested for events or displays falling outside of these dates and times for approval by City Council.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge fireworks of any sort in any city park or on any property owned or managed by the city. Use of city property for public display will require prior approval by City Council.
(C) No fireworks will be permitted at any time on Main Street from Second Street to Fifth Street, and one block east or west of, on any intersecting street or alley between Second and Fifth Streets.
(Ord. 119, passed 1-8-1913; Ord. 348, passed 5-19-1980; Ord. 688, passed 6-12-2023) Penalty, see § 94.99