(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
FACE CORD. A unit of quantity for firewood equal to 64 cubic feet.
FIREWOOD. Split wood or unsplit wood logs for the purpose of burning.
(B) No person shall keep, store, or permit the keeping or storage of firewood on premises owned, leased, or occupied by him or her unless such firewood is kept or stored for use on the premises and in conformance with the following.
(1) No more than four face cords of firewood shall be kept or stored outdoors at any time.
(2) Firewood shall not be kept or stored in the front yard of a property.
(3) Firewood shall only be kept or stored in a straight, orderly, neat, and secure stack and may not be stacked more than six feet high.
(4) Unless screened by a solid fence or wall, provided that it is stacked no higher than the solid fence or wall, firewood stacks shall be no closer than five feet to the nearest property line.
(5) Firewood shall not be permitted to become infested with rats, rodents, or other vermin.
(6) All brush, debris, and refuse from processing of firewood shall be promptly removed from the premises.
(Ord. 602-2011, passed 6-13-2011) Penalty, see § 94.99
Burning, causing, or permitting to be burned in the city Fire Zone, from time to time, legally established any dirt, filth, manure, garbage, sweepings, leaves, ashes, paper, refuse, rubbish, or matter of any kind is prohibited.
(Ord. 263, passed 5-6-1968) Penalty, see § 94.99