For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BROODING. The period of chicken growth when supplemental heat must be provided due to the bird’s inability to generate enough body heat.
   CHICK. A baby chicken not more than six weeks old.
   CHICKEN. A domesticated bird of the order of Galliformes in the genus of Gallus (chickens) that serves as a source of eggs.
   COCKEREL. A young male chicken.
   COOP. The structure for the keeping or housing of chickens permitted by this subchapter.
   EXERCISE YARD. A larger fenced area that provides space for exercise and foraging for the birds when supervised.
   HEN. A female chicken.
   OFFICER. Any person designated by the City Administrator as an enforcement officer.
   ROOSTER. A male chicken.
   RUN. A fully-enclosed and covered area attached to a coop where the chickens can roam unsupervised.
(Ord. 675, passed 12-13-2021)