Unless otherwise provided, or unless clearly required by the context, the terms defined in this section shall have one meaning indicated when used in this UDO.
Accessory building, residential district. In residential districts, an may be a detached garage, workshop, storage shed, hobby-type greenhouse or similar minor .
Accessory building or structure. A or which is on the same zoning as, and detached from a to which the is incidental and subordinate.
Accessory building. A minor located on the same as a and used incidentally to a or housing an .
Accessory dwelling unit. A separate and complete that is contained on the same as the of a single-family dwelling.
Accessory solar energy system.
A collection of solar panels and related equipment designed to convert sunlight into electrical power for direct consumption by the principal on-site use; accessory solar energy systems may be ground-mounted, roof-mounted or integrated into the building design, and are small and/or limited in scale.
Accessory use or structure. A , or that is subordinate to the principal , or on the , and used for purposes incidental to the main or principal , or .
Adult cabaret. Any place which features topless dancers, go-go dancers, strippers, male or female impersonator(s), or similar entertainers which are lawful under state law.
Adult establishment. An adult bookstore, adult motion picture theater, adult mini-motion picture theater, or other adult entertainment business or massage business as defined in G.S. 14-202.10.
Agricultural use. The of waters for stock watering, irrigation and other farm purposes.
Ambulatory health/emergency care facility.
A stand-alone emergency department which operates under the governance of a hospital operator and is licensed by the State of North Carolina pursuant to the Hospital Licensure Act as amended. A
may be considered an acessory
for this type of health care facility provided all applicable sections of the UDO are met.
Animal unit. A unit of measurement developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that is used to compare different types of animal operations.
ANSI. American National Standards Institute or its successor bodies.
Antenna. Equipment designed to transmit or receive radio or electronic signals.
Approval authority. The Town Council, Board of Adjustment or other Board or official designated by ordinance as being authorized to grant the specific zoning or land permit or approval that constitutes a .
Automobile service center. Any establishment where automobile parts sales or minor automobile service/repair activities occurs. Service/repair activities shall be limited to tuning or lubricating automobile engines, sales, repair or servicing of tires, mufflers or batteries. Major engine repair, transmission, or automobile body repair/paint shops are excluded activities under this .
A-weighted sound pressure level. The as measured with a using the A-weighting network. The symbol for this standard is .
Base flood. The having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also known as the 100-year .
Basement. The lowest level or story of a which has its floor subgrade on all sides.
Best management practices (BMP). A structural or nonstructural management-based practice used singularly or in combination to reduce nonpoint source inputs to receiving waters in order to achieve water quality protection goals.
Buffer. An area of natural or planted vegetation through which runoff flows in a diffuse manner so that the runoff does not become channelized and which provides for infiltration of the runoff and filtering of pollutants. The buffer is measured landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded and from the bank of each side of or rivers.
Buffer (landscaping), perimeter. The area of undisturbed land between adjacent incompatible . Performs the dual role of providing horizontal separation and vertical screening. The width and planting requirement varies according to the classification of the subject and adjacent property.
Buffer (landscaping), street. The area of undisturbed land between incompatible across the from each other. Provides horizontal separation only. The width varies according to the classification of the subject and adjacent property.
Buffer, stream. The area of natural or planted vegetation through which runoff flows in a diffuse manner so that the runoff does not become channelized and which provides for infiltration of the runoff and filtering of pollutants. The buffer is measured landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded and from the bank of each side of the or rivers.
Building. Subject to the restriction of G.S. § 160D-706(b), any used or intended for supporting or sheltering any or occupancy.
Building coverage. Building coverage refers to the area of a covered by (principal and accessory) or roofed areas, as measured along the outside wall at ground level, and including all projections, other than open porches, fire escapes, canopies and the first two feet of a roof overhang.
Built-upon area. Built-upon areas shall include that portion of a that is covered by impervious improvements.
Business complex. A group of two or more office, industrial and/or other operations on an unsubdivided tract, operating under one name or presenting other elements of a unified image of identity to the public. A complex may or may not have a central core of attached businesses, (which a does have).
Business frontage. The distance that is occupied by a business or other activity measured along the outside wall of the side on which the main entrance of the business or activity is located.
Caliper. Trunk diameter measurement for nursery grown stock taken six inches above grade of the rootball for trunks up to and including four inches, and 12 inches above grade of the rootball for trunks greater than four inches.
Certified. Whenever this UDO requires certification of the existence of some fact or circumstance to the Town, the Town may require that such certification be made in any manner that provides reasonable assurance of the accuracy of the certification. By way of illustration, the Town may accept certification by telephone from some agency when the circumstances warrant it, or may require that the certification be in the form of a letter or other document.
Child care center. A child care arrangement that is licensed by the state of North Carolina and located in a residence where full time care is provided for at least three children but, not more than 12 children for which a has been granted by the Board of Adjustment.
Child care home. A home for not more than nine orphaned, abandoned, dependent, abused or neglected children, together with not more than two adults who supervise such children, all of whom live together as a single housekeeping unit.
Child care institution. An institutional facility housing more than nine orphaned, abandoned, dependent, abused, or neglected children.
Circulation area. That portion of the used for access to parking or loading areas or other facilities on the . Essentially, and maneuvering areas (other than parking aisles) comprise the .
Cluster development. A residential constructed on a tract of land of at least five acres, zoned residential cluster district, under single ownership, planned, designed and developed as an integral unit, intended to allow flexibility in shapes, reduce infrastructure networks, provide inter-connected open space primarily along rear lines and protect natural resources by concentrating dwellings in specific areas of an overall tract.
Combination use. A consisting of a combination on one of two or more principal . In some instances, a second principal may be regarded as accessory to the first, and thus a combination is not established.
Commercial boundary. Outer marker or boundary lines encompassing a tract or parcel of land used or zoned for commercial .
Commercial subdivision (lease lots or separate parcels). A group of two or more office, commercial or other operations in geographic proximity, which may or may not operate under one banner, sharing ingress and egress, but having each operation on a separate , either through lease arrangement or through bonafide into separate parcels. (Examples in Garner include Plaza 70 East and the large of which PD Quix is a part.) Commercial are not or as defined herein.
Community center. Governmentally owned and operated (s) and facilities which may provide a wide range of activities predominately indoors to the general community such as but not limited to the following : recreational; cultural; dining; educational; social and general administrative office .
Community park. A community park usually comprises 14 to 40 acres designed primarily to serve the community park district pursuant to the adopted park and greenway plan, usually serving residents within a radius of approximately one to two miles. A community park district is usually comprised of two or more districts. In addition to the facilities provided in , community parks are designed to include such amenities as a or other special facilities, such as a swimming pool.
Composting facility. A facility in which stumps, limbs, leaves, grass and untreated wood collected from land clearing or landscaping operations is deposited.
Conditional use zoning district. This consists of a legislative rezoning and a separate following a trial-like quasi-judicial hearing by the Town Council. These permits are obsolete and no longer utilized.
Conditional use permit. This is issued in conjunction with a legislative rezoning and consists of a separate conditional permit following a trial-like quasi-judicial hearing. It is a permit issued by the Town Council that authorizes the recipient to make of property in accordance with the requirements of this UDO as well as any additional requirements imposed by the Town Council. These permits are obsolete and no longer utilized.
Condominium. (See ).
Construction. On-site erection, fabrication, installation, alteration, demolition or removal of any , facility, or addition thereto, including all related activities, including, but not restricted to, clearing of land, earthmoving, blasting and landscaping.
Controlled access roadway. A roadway with four or more lanes divided by a median with speed limits that would exceed 50 mph, where access to and from said is by interchange only.
Correctional facility. A facility that houses in the custody of Wake County, the North Carolina Department of Correction federal government, or its agent as a result of conviction of a criminal offense or on parole.
Council. The Town Council of the Town of Garner.
Critical area. The area adjacent to a water supply intake or reservoir where risk associated with pollution is greater than from the remaining portions of the . In this UDO, the critical area consists of the Lake Benson Conservation District, as previously established and mapped, extending to the next property line or major landmark after a distance of 2,000 feet from the lake, plus the Conservation Areas as established at specified distances beyond the of Swift Creek and all other creeks flowing into Lake Benson, up to a distance of 5,000 feet.
Critical root zone. A circular area measured outward from a tree trunk where roots must remain undisturbed to ensure the tree's survival. Measured as one foot radial distance for every inch of tree at a minimum of eight feet.
Crown dripline. A vertical line extending from the outer most surface of a tree's branch tips projected down to the ground.
Cyclically varying noise. Any which varies in such that the same level is obtained repetitively at reasonably uniform intervals of time.
dB(A). A in determined by using the A-weighting network of a .
DBH. Diameter-at-breast-height is a standard forestry measure of tree size, and is a tree trunk diameter measured in inches at a height of four and one-half feet above the ground. lf a tree splits into multiple trunks below four and one-half feet, then each trunk is measured as a separate tree. A tree which splits into multiple trunks above four and one-half feet is measured as a single tree at four and one-half feet.
Decibel (dB). A unit of measure, on a logarithmic scale, of the ratio or magnitude of a particular pressure to a standard reference pressure, which, for purposes of this UDO, shall be 20 micropascals.
Developer. A who is responsible for any undertaking that requires a site, special , or .
Development. Any which (a) requires a soil and erosion permit, , or , or (b) which adds to or changes the amount of impervious or partially impervious cover on a land area or which otherwise decreases the infiltration of precipitation into the soil.
Disabled or handicapped home. A residential arrangement which does not meet the definition of and consists of a single family with a single family kitchen facility housing up to six with a disability or handicap.
Discharging landfill. A facility with liners, monitoring equipment and other measures to detect and/or prevent leachate from entering the environment and in which the leachate is treated on site and discharged to a receiving .
Driveway. That portion of the that consists of a travel lane bounded on either side by an area that is not part of the .
Driveway/intersection sight distance standards. All and/or intersections shall maintain sight triangles meeting the following minimums, within which nothing that may obstruct a motorist's or pedestrian's view of traffic on the onto which the motorist or pedestrian will enter shall be permitted, including , , plant materials or earth berms.
Dwelling. Subject to the restriction of G.S. § 160D-706(b), a building that contains one or two dwelling units used, intended, or designed to be used, rented, leased, let, or hired out to be occupied for living purposes.
Dwelling unit. Subject to the restriction of G.S. § 160D-706(b) a single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
Dwelling unit. A , or portion thereof, providing complete and permanent living facilities for one .
Eighty-five percent TSS removal stormwater quality control device. A constructed device or series of devices designed to achieve the removal of 85 percent of the total suspended solids from runoff. This may be a single device with a removal efficiency of 85 percent or multiple devices with a collective removal efficiency of 85 percent. Examples of single devices with a removal efficiency of 85 percent include retention ponds, and bioretention devices. Other devices and their associated removal efficiencies are subject to approval by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management.
Electronic gaming centers.
A business enterprise, as a principal use or as an accessory use where persons utilize more than six (6) electronic machine(s), including, but not limited to computers and gaming terminals, to conduct games including but not limited to sweepstakes, lotteries games, and or games of chance, and where cash, merchandise, or items of value are redeemed or otherwise distributed, whether or not the value of such distribution is determined by electronic games played or by predetermined odds, which have a finite pool of winners. The term includes, but is not limited to internet sweepstakes, video sweepstakes or cybercafes. This definition does not include any lottery endorsed, approved or sponsored by the State of North Carolina or arcade games of skill.
Engineered stormwater control structure. control designed by an engineer or landscape architect to control runoff. Such include but are not limited to wet retention ponds, detention ponds, etc.
Existing development. Those that as of July 1, 1993, have been built or for which a permit has been issued, a has been recorded, or for which a exists under Town ordinance or state law.
Existing lot. A which is part of a , or a described by metes and bounds, a deed or of which has been recorded in the office of the register of deeds prior to the adoption of this UDO. Synonymous with of record.
Existing manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision. A parcel or parcels of land divided into two or more for rent or sale for which the of facilities for servicing the on which the is to be affixed (including at a minimum the installation of utilities, either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads, and the of (s)) is completed before the effective date of this UDO.
Expenditure. A sum paid out in return for some benefit or to fulfill some obligation. The term also includes binding, contractual commitments to make future expenditures, as well as any other substantial changes in position.
Extraterritorial . That portion of the Town's located outside the corporate boundaries of the Town.
Family. Two or more living together and occupying a single with a single kitchen facility, and who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption, or foster children, and including both a) a nuclear consisting of one or two parents and any number of children and b) an extended containing up to four adults and any number of children, but excluding from the definition of a combination which consists of two or more nuclear and more than four adults.
Family care home. A home for a limited number of residents and support or supervisory personnel (as limited by state definitional requirements) that provides room and board, personal care and rehabilitation services for with a disability in a environment. According to GS 168-3(7a), a with a disability is defined as a with a temporary or permanent, physical, emotional, or mental disability. A is a residential of property and permissible by right in all residential districts, subject to additional requirements.
Family child care home. A child care arrangement that is licensed by the state of North Carolina and located in a residence where full time care is provided for at least three children but, not more than five children for which a has been issued by the Planning Department.
Flex space. The sale, lease, or rental of space within a or multiple that will allow a combination of .
Floating zone. A zoning district whose requirements are fully described in this UDO but initially is unmapped. It is mapped in response to the approval of an applicant's request for a rezoning.
Flood. A general or temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:
(1) The overflow of inland or tidal waters; and
(2) The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source.
Floodplain. Any area susceptible to being inundated by water from the . As used in this UDO, the term refers to that area designated as subject to flooding from the on the boundary and the latest edition of the map prepared by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a copy of which is on file in the Town Hall.
Floodway. The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. As used in this UDO, the term refers to that area designated as a on the boundary and the latest edition of the map prepared by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a copy of which is on file in the Town Hall.
Flood hazard boundary map. An official map of a community issued by the federal emergency management agency, where the boundaries of the areas of special hazard have been defined in zone A.
Flood insurance rate map. An official map of a community on which the federal emergency management agency has delineated both the areas of special hazard and the risk premium zones applicable to the community.
Flood insurance study. The official report provided by the federal management agency. The report contains profiles, as well as the boundary map and the water surface elevation of the .
General use district. A zoning district in which some are permissible with a and others require a .
Gross floor area. The total area of a measured by taking the outside dimensions of the at each floor level intended for occupancy or storage.
Group care home. A home where rehabilitation services are provided in a residential setting and environment for up to nine at 200 square feet per occupant and one full bath per five occupants, including support and supervisory personnel who reside in the home. A shall not include being housed in a or mentally ill who are dangerous to others as defined in G.S. 122C-3(11)b, as amended.
Group care institution. An institutional facility that provides rehabilitation services in a environment for more than nine including support and supervisory personnel, and shall not include being housed in a or mentally ill who are dangerous as defined in G.S. 122C-3(11).
Habitable floor. Any floor usable for living purposes, which includes working, sleeping, eating, cooking or recreation, or any combination thereof. A floor used only for storage is not a .
Handicapped or home disabled. A residential arrangement which does not meet the definition of and consists of a single family with a single family kitchen facility housing up to six with a disability or handicap.
Handicapped or infirm institution. An institutional facility housing and providing care or assistance for more than nine who are physically or mentally handicapped or infirm.
Hazardous material. Any substance listed as such in: SARA Section 302, Extremely Hazardous Substances, CERCLA Hazardous Substances, or Section 311 of CWA (oil and hazardous substances).
A formalized helicopter landing area that offers some or all of the following services: fueling, maintenance, passenger building, hanger facilities and support services.
High density development. within the Lake Benson Swift Creek area that exceeds the amount of impervious area which is allowed without engineered control measures.
Highest adjacent grade. The highest natural elevation of the ground surface, prior to , next to the proposed walls of the .
Home occupation. A commercial activity in any residential district that: (i) is conducted by a on the same where such resides; and (ii) is not so insubstantial or incidental or is not so commonly associated with the residential as to be regarded as an , but that can be conducted without any significantly adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Household. One or more occupying a single family with a single kitchen facility, including a as defined in this ordinance, and including a group of not more than five living together as a housekeeping unit by joint agreement or non-profit cost sharing basis.
Impacted area. Areas of a site where the cultural, natural and visual resources will be affected by a proposed and or land disturbance.
Impervious surface.Impervious surfaces are those natural or man-made , which prevent or restrict the infiltration of runoff into the underlying soil. For the purpose of impervious calculation, rooftops, gravel or paved , sidewalk, gravel or paved , curb and gutter and like are considered to be . Water impoundments, and wooden slatted decks are considered pervious.
Impulsive sound. Either a single pressure peak or a single burst (multiple pressure peaks) for a duration less than one second.
In-home adult day care. An adult day care arrangement that been issued a certificate to operate by the state of North Carolina and located in a residence where a day care program is provided for up to six adults which meets the standards of the UDO for which a zoning compliance permit has been issued by the Planning Department.
Industrial boundary. Outer marker or boundary lines encompassing a tract or parcel of land used or zoned for industrial .
Industrial development. Any that requires an NPDES permit for an industrial discharge and/or requires the or storage of any for the purpose of manufacturing, assembling, finishing, cleaning or developing any product or commodity.
Intermediate care home. A facility maintained for the purpose of providing accommodation for not more than seven occupants needing medical care at a lower level than that provided in a but at a higher level than that provided in homes for the disabled persons or the infirm.
Intermediate care institution. An institutional facility maintained for the purpose of providing accommodations for more than seven needing medical care at a lower level than that provided in a but at a higher level than that provided in institutions for the handicapped or infirm.
Kennel. A commercial operation that:
(1) Provides food, shelter and care for animals for purposes not primarily related to medical care (a
may or may not be run by or associated with a veterinarian); or
(2) Engages in the breeding of animals for sale.
Land disturbing activity. Any of land in residential, industrial, educational, institutional or commercial , highway and and maintenance that results in a change in the natural cover or topography and that may cause or contribute to sedimentation. Sedimentation occurs whenever solid particulate matter, mineral or organic, is transported by water, air, gravity, or ice from the site of its origin, and is deposited elsewhere.
Landfill. A facility for the disposal of solid waste on land in a sanitary manner in accordance with Chapter 130A Article 9 of the North Carolina General Statutes. For the purpose of this UDO this term does not include .
Landscaped area. Areas of a site where groupings (more than one) of trees, shrubs and/or ground cover are proposed and are defined within a bed of mulch.
Livestock. All animals kept or raised on a farm, except however, that necessary working animals and pets are not included.
Loading and unloading area.That portion of the used to satisfy the relevant requirements of this UDO.
Logo. A picture, pattern or way of writing its name that an establishment as its symbol and puts on its products or .
Lot. A parcel of land whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument, such as a recorded deed or a recorded map, and which is recognized as a separate legal entity for purposes of transfer of title. The term tract is used interchangeably with the term .
Lot area.The area circumscribed by the boundaries of a , except that: (i) when the legal instrument creating a shows the boundary of the extending into a public right-of-way, then the boundary for the purposes of computing the shall be the right-of-way line, or a line running parallel to and 30 feet from the center of the traveled portion of the if the right-of-way line cannot be determined, and (ii) in a residential district, when a private that serves more than three is located along any boundary, then the boundary for purposes of computing the shall be the inside boundary of the traveled portion of that .
Lower ratio of parking need to building square footage uses., such as furniture stores, carpet stores, and major appliance stores, that sell items that are large and bulky, that need a relatively large amount of storage or display area for each unit offered for sale, and that therefore, generate less customer traffic per square foot of floor space than stores selling smaller items.
Lowest floor. The of the lowest enclosed area (including ). An unfinished floor or resistant enclosure, useable solely for parking of vehicles, access or storage in an area other than areas is not considered a building's provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this UDO.
Major watershed variance. A that results in any one or more of the following:
(1) The complete waiver of a management requirement;
(2) The relaxation, by a factor of more than ten percent, of any management requirement that takes the form of a numerical standard; and
(3) The relaxation of any management requirement that applies to a
proposal intended to exceed 12 percent
within the Lake Benson Conservation District or within the area subject to CUD-SB-C-22, CUDR-12-C53 or CUD-R-12PR-C54 previously classified by the Swift Creek Land Management Plan as suburban new and those
for which
would exceed 24 percent
for the balance of the
Manufactured home. A that:
(1) Is composed of one or more components each of which was substantially assembled in a manufacturing plant and designed to be installed or assembled on the building site;
(2) Exceeds 40 feet in length and eight feet in width;
(3) Is constructed in accordance with the federal
and safety standards; and
(4) Is constructed after June 15, 1976.
Mean pool depth. The cross-sectional area of a , pond or other body or water divided by the width of the water's free surface.
Mini-parks. A usually comprises one or less, and is designed primarily to serve the area contained on the final or approved site plan, and particularly to provide an area for play of younger children during daytime hours.
Minor watershed variance. A that does not qualify as a major .
Mobile home. A that:
(1) Was constructed before June 15, 1976 (pre-HUD requirements);
(2) Is composed of one or more components, each of which was substantially assembled in a manufacturing plant and designed to be transported to the site on its own chassis; and
(3) Exceeds 40 feet in length and eight feet in width.
Modular home. A that:
(1) Is composed of one or more components, each of which was substantially assembled in a manufacturing plant and designed to be transported to the site on its own chassis;
(2) Is constructed in accordance with the North Carolina Building Code (rather than HUD code) for single
Neighborhood park. A usually comprises three to ten acres serving the residents within the district as pursuant to the parks and greenway plan and primarily serving a radius of approximately three quarters of a mile. Typical facilities would include a meeting center, picnic areas, multi- courts, ballfields, tot , tennis courts and special facilities as needed.
Noise pollution. The emission of that reasonably interferes with the enjoyment of life or with any lawful business or activity.
Nonconforming lot. A existing at the effective date of this UDO (and not created for the purposes of evading the restrictions of this UDO) that does not meet the minimum area requirements or the presumptive minimum width requirement of the district in which the is located.
Nonconforming project. Any , , or undertaking that is incomplete at the effective date of this UDO and would be inconsistent with any regulation applicable to the district in which it is located if completed as proposed or planned.
Nonconforming situation. A situation that occurs when any or , or of an or , does not conform to one or more of the regulations applicable to the district in which the or is located on the effective date of this UDO. Among other possibilities, a may arise because a does not meet minimum acreage requirements, because exceed maximum height limitations, because the relationship between existing and the land (in such matters as density and setback requirements) is not in conformity with this UDO, because do not meet the requirements of, or because land or are used for purposes made unlawful by this UDO.
Nonconforming use. A that occurs when property is used for a purpose or in a manner made unlawful by the regulations applicable to the district in which the property is located. For example, a commercial office in a residential district may be a . The term also refers to the activity that constitutes the made of the property. For example, all the activity associated with running a bakery in a residentially zoned area is a .
Nonconformity, dimensional. A that occurs when the height or size of a or the relationship between an existing and other or lines does not conform to the regulations applicable to the district in which the property is located.
Nonresidential development. All other than residential , agriculture and silviculture.
Nursing care home. A facility maintained for the purpose of providing skilled nursing care and medical supervision at a lower level than that available in a hospital to not more than nine .
Nursing care institution. An institutional facility maintained for the purpose of providing skilled nursing care and medical supervision at a lower level than that available in a hospital to more than nine .
Outdoor storage.The storage of materials in an unenclosed area. shall not include the temporary storage of vehicles at repair or sales facilities.
Outparcel. A parcel, adjacent to or partially surrounded by a tract, which was either part of the original tract, or which, as determined by the , acts (in the manner in which it operates and the way it blends into the image of the overall ), like part of the . Such parcels have separate deeds or have been sectioned-off by the for purposes of leasing to one or more businesses. In no case shall an as defined herein be considered as a separate .
Parking area aisles. That portion of the consisting of lanes providing access to .
Parking space. A portion of the parking area set aside for the parking of one vehicle.
Passive stormwater quality control device. A constructed device designed to achieve the removal of up to 40 percent of the total suspended solids from runoff. Examples of a passive device include grass swales and other devices approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management.
Person. An individual, executor, corporation, partnership or other entity acting as a unit.
Pervious surface. Ground treatments which will allow the infiltration of water, air and nutrients to root systems of adjacent plant material which lie directly under the ground treatment.
Planned Residential Development. A constructed on a tract of at least five acres under single ownership, planned and developed as an integral unit, and consisting of a combination of and multi-family residences.
Planned Unit Development. A constructed on a tract of at least 20 acres under single ownership, planned and developed as an integral unit, and consisting of a combination of principal that could be combined only in a District.
Planning Director. See Section 2.5.
Planning jurisdiction. The area within which the Town is authorized to plan for and regulate pursuant to the authority granted in the North Carolina General Statutes.
Plat. A map or plan of a parcel of land which is to be, or has been subdivided.
Principal building. The primary on a , or a that houses a principal .
Private service laterals for water and sewer. These facilities are defined as beginning at the public right-of-way or public utility easement and extending onto private property to a point necessary to serve said property, specifically for water this shall be beyond the water meter location; for sewer this shall be beyond the cleanout location.
Project. Any requiring a permit from the building inspections and/or Planning Department. Such permits shall include, but not limited to a building permit and .
Public sewer and other utility system, municipally owned. The existing Town of Garner or City of Raleigh owned water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines including all pipes, valves, valve boxes, hydrants and other fixtures, equipment and apparatus of the water main, storm sewer and sanitary sewer pipe lines and systems, and all appliances necessary and convenient thereto, and such lines built to the Town of Garner and City of Raleigh standards to be dedicated and accepted by the City of Raleigh or the Town of Garner. The utility lines dedicated to the City of Raleigh shall include only main distribution and collection lines and appurtenances in right-of-way or dedicated recorded easements on private property. Such facilities shall be subject to the applicable provisions of this UDO and applicable sections of the Code of the Town of Garner.
Public sewer or water system, non-municipally owned. A sewer or water system designed for and intended to provide services to users and is franchised by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Such systems and all appurtenances shall be built to the Town of Garner and City of Raleigh standards and specifications according to the applicable provisions of this UDO and the Code of the Town of Garner.
Pure tone. Any that can be distinctly heard as a single pitch or a set of single pitches.
Recreational vehicle. A vehicular type accommodation, other than a designed as temporary accommodations for travel, vacation, or recreation purposes, which is propelled by its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.
Recycling collection point. An incidental that is considered an to only the principal . serve as a neighborhood drop-off point outside of a fully enclosed for temporary storage of small amounts of recyclable materials.
Recyclable material collection center. Operations inside or outside of enclosed for the collection of recyclable materials such as aluminum, copper, plastic, glass or paper materials which may be recycled for re-manufacture or reuse.
Repetitive impulsive noise. Any noise that is composed of impulsive noises that are repeated at sufficiently slow rates such that a set at fast meter characteristics will show changes in greater than ten .
Residence, duplex. A residential consisting of two within a single on a single .
Residence, multifamily. A residential consisting of two located in separate on the same , three or more located in one or more on the same , or attached or detached units on separate at densities permitted only in multifamily zones.
Residence, single-family. A residential consisting of a detached containing one on a single .
Residential boundary. Outer marker or boundary lines a tract or parcel of land used or zoned for residential .
Restaurant. An establishment providing food and food service, whereby at least 51 percent of the establishment's revenue is derived from such food sales.
Restaurant, drive-in. A where a substantial portion of the food service is to occupants of motor vehicles parked on the premises.
R/W. Right-of-way line of a public .
Road. All private ways used to provide motor vehicle access to:
(1) Two or more
; or
(2) Two or more distinct areas or
in unsubdivided
Satellite dish antenna. A device capable of receiving radio or television signals from orbiting satellites and other extraterrestrial sources; and shall include all appurtenant components of the satellite dish antenna.
Sewer or water facilities, individual. A sewer or water system or facility designed for and intended for private by one or more users, but not requiring a franchise from the North Carolina Utilities Commission, and not being a municipally owned system. However, such facilities may require permit approvals by the Wake County Health Department as provided for in this UDO.
Shopping center. A or group of housing seven or more businesses (usually as in-line tenants) on a unified tract (i.e. not on a lease or parcel subdivided out of the original larger parcel), under one or multiple ownerships, and operating under one banner as a pedestrian movement, and/or common ingress and egress points. Its occupants provide or are intended to provide for the retail sale of goods and services (including postal services, etc.) to the public. However, expansions of developed after the aforementioned date are required to conform to the uniform signage regulations applicable to the .
Shrub, large. A deciduous or evergreen shrub that matures at between six to 12 feet or greater in height. Usually maintains branches from the ground up, and if evergreen, used as a screening material.
Shrub, medium. A deciduous or evergreen shrub that matures (or is maintained) at three to six feet in height. If evergreen it is used as a screening material.
Shrub, small. A deciduous or evergreen shrub that matures (or is maintained) at one to three feet in height. May be used inside sight triangle planting.
Sight distance standards (triangle). To ensure that landscape materials do not constitute a traffic hazard, a triangle will be observed at all intersections of / with adjacent . These sight triangles shall be kept clear of any such visual obstructions between two and one-half feet and ten feet in height.
Sign. Any device that is sufficiently visible to not on the premises and designed to attract or direct the attention of such or to communicate information to them.
(1) Sign, canopy. Any attached to or made a part of a canopy; a canopy being any rooflike supported by posts or suspended from a wall and extending over an area for the purpose of providing protection against the weather. A canopy may be considered a wall or freestanding the area of which shall be calculated into the maximum area and maximum number permitted as either a wall or freestanding . Such are limited to two sides of a canopy and may not extend above or below the canopy fascia or project any further than necessary for attachment, not to exceed 18 inches.
(2) Sign, changeable copy. A whose display area is designed so that the characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without otherwise altering the face or surface of the . In the context of this UDO, a changeable copy is defined as a permanent and erected only in combination with an identification ; also locally known as a marquee .
(3) Sign, directory. A located on the interior portion of a or other , designed to convey the names of occupants of the complex to on site. Such are typically located near entrances or at strategic locations within the parking area of the complex.
(4) Sign, freestanding. A that is not attached to, suspended from, erected on or supported by a or other having a principal function other than the support of such but is instead supported by some , such as a pole or post, or is without supporting elements, such as an A-frame or monument base. Any on a fence located within the required setback area shall be considered a freestanding , and canopy may be interpreted as either freestanding or wall .
(5) Sign, ground. See freestanding and monument .
(6) Sign, monument. A type of freestanding (often referred to as a ground , which has a low profile, typically below 36 feet in height, and is built of brick or other substantial material resembling a monument.
(7) Sign, multiple-business. A of major significance designed to inform off the premises of the businesses which comprise a or . It may or may not bear the name of the complex but must list the entities within the complex.
(8) Sign, off-premises. A commercial which directs attention to or communicates about a business, service, commodity, attraction or other activity that is conducted sold or offered at a location other than the premises on which the is located.
(9) Sign, political. A advertising a ballot measure or candidate for public office.
(10) Temporary sign. A that is designed for short-term or is used in connection with a circumstance or event expected to take place or be completed within a reasonably short period of time. (If a display area is permanent but the message is subject to periodic change, that shall not be regarded as temporary.)
Significant trimming. Any pruning and/or trimming of a tree which removes more than one-third of the branching of the tree and/or results in the loss of more than one-third of the tree's overall form and shape.
Sign permit. A permit issued by the that authorizes the recipient to erect, move, enlarge or substantially alter a .
Single-family residential. Any where (1) no contains more than one , (2) every is on a separate , and (3) where no contains more than one .
Site permit. A permit issued by the land that authorizes the recipient to make of property in accordance with the requirements of this UDO.
Site specific development plan. A plan of land submitted to the Town for purposes of obtaining one of the following zoning or land permits or approvals: , , , , special exception, or ; provided, notwithstanding the foregoing that neither a , a nor any other document that fails to describe with reasonable certainty that type and intensity of for a specified parcel or parcels of property shall constitute a .
Sleeping Unit. Subject to the restriction of G.S. § 160D-706(b), a room or space in which people sleep, which can also include permanent provisions for living, eating, and either sanitation or kitchen facilities, but not both. Such rooms and spaces that are also part of dwelling unit are not sleeping units.
Solar farm.
An entire tract or portion of a tract that contains a collection of ground-mounted solar panels and related equipment designed to convert sunlight into electrical power for direct on-site consumption or for interconnection with the power grid system for off-site consumption; the size of a solar farm may vary from a few acres to hundreds of acres.
Sound. An oscillation in pressure in air.
Sound level. In , , determined by the of metering characteristics and frequency weightings specified in Sl.4-1971 Specifications for Sound Level Meters.
Sound level meter. An instrument, including a microphone, amplifier, EMS detector and integrator, time average, output-meter and/or visual display and weighting networks, that is sensitive to pressure fluctuations. The instrument reads when properly calibrated and is of type I or better as specified in American National Standards Institute Publication Sl.4-1971 or its successor publication.
Sound pressure level. In , 20 times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the magnitude of a particular pressure to the standard reference pressure. The standard reference pressure is 20 micropascals.
Special scenic corridor. An area parallel to the right-of-way of existing and proposed major and minor thoroughfares and other designated highways on the adopted or amended Garner Transportation Plan, that are subject to overlay district regulations to preserve natural scenic beauty and aesthetic character, promote design quality, to protect and enhance the public and private investment in and along said highways, and to enhance trade, tourism, capital investment and the general welfare.
Special use permit. A permit issued by the Board of Adjustment that authorizes the recipient to make of property in accordance with the requirements of this UDO as well as any additional requirements imposed by the Board of Adjustment.
Start of construction. , which means the date the building permit was issued, providing the actual , repair, reconstruction, or improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means the first placement of permanent of a (including a ) on a site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings, installation of piles, of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation or the placement of a on a foundation. Permanent does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it include the installation of and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a , footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of , such as garages or sheds not occupied as or not part of the main .
Steady-state noise source. One that exhibits a whose variation is within plus or minus five over any one ten-minute period in a 24-hour day.
Stormwater. The runoff generated by rainfall during a storm event.
Stream. A perennial body of water running over the earth's surface in a channel or bed and also shown by a single blue line on the most recent version of the U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) topographic maps; or as delineated by the most recent Town of Garner study.
Street. A public or a with respect to which an offer of dedication has been made.
Street wall. The building facade and or wall which is facing the right-of-way line and the .
Structure. Anything constructed or erected, including but not limited to , which requires location on the land.
Subdivider. Any , firm or corporation who subdivides or develops any land deemed to be a as herein defined.
Subdivision. The divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more , building sites, or other divisions when one or more of those divisions are created for the purpose of sale or building (whether immediate or future) and shall include all divisions of land involving the dedication of a new or a change in existing , but the following shall not be included within this definition nor be subject to the regulations authorized by this UDO:
(1) The combination or recombination of portions of previously subdivided and recorded
where the total number of
is not increased and the resulting
are equal to or exceed the standards of this UDO;
(2) The division of land into parcels greater than ten acres where no
right-of-way dedication is involved;
(3) The public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for water or sewer infrastructure the widening or opening of
(4) The division of a tract in single ownership whose entire area is no greater than two acres into not more than three
, where no
right-of-way dedication is involved and where the resultant
are equal to or exceed the standards of the this UDO; and
(5) The division of a tract into plots or
used as a cemetery.
Subdivision, minor. A that does not involve any of the following: (i) the creation of more than a total of five ; (ii) the creation of any new public ; (iii) the extension of the water or sewer system operated by the Town of Garner, or (iv) the installation of drainage improvements through one or more to serve one or more other .
Substantial improvement. Any combination of repairs, reconstruction, alteration or improvements to a , taking place within any consecutive 12-month period in which the cumulative cost equals or exceeds 50 percent of the present market value of the . The market value should be:
(1) The appraised value of the
before the initial repair or improvement; or
(2) In case of damage, the value of the
prior to the damage occurring.
Tenth percentile sound level. The that is exceeded ten percent of the time in any measurement period (such as the level that is exceeded for one minute in a ten minute period) and is denoted LIO.
Townhouse or townhome. The is a form of single-family attached dwelling in which units share common side walls and are often designed in rows (although good design attempts to de-emphasize the lined-up appearance). Units are purchasable on a fee-simple basis on small individual parcels of land, fronting on either a public or private . Yards are typically small, and privacy requires careful protection.
Tower. A whose principal function is to support an with the exception of a (see definition of ).
Toxic substance. Any substance or combination of substances (including disease causing agents), which after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any organism, either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains, has the potential to cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions or suppression in reproduction or growth) or physical deformities in such organisms or their off spring or other adverse health effects.
Travel trailer. A that is (i) intended to be transported over the and highways either as a motor vehicle, or attached to or hauled by a motor vehicle, and (ii) is designed for temporary as sleeping quarters, but that does not satisfy one or more of the definitional criteria of a .
Tree, ornamental. A small to medium-sized tree growing to 15 to 35 feet in height at maturity, planted for aesthetic purposes such as colorful flower, interesting bark, or interesting fall foliage.
Tree, overstory. A large tree growing to 35 feet in height or spread or greater at maturity, usually deciduous, planted to provide a canopy of shade.
Tree, screening. Medium to large evergreen tree, 12 feet or greater in height at maturity, that keeps branches from the ground up. Examples include Thuga 'Green Giant', Virginia Pine, Cedar, Leyland Cypress, some Hollies, or vertical growing Junipers.
Tree, street. A deciduous , installed at a minimum two and one-half-inch size, planted a minimum five feet and a maximum of 15 feet from the right-of- way. Where overhead lines exist an shall be used.
Unit ownership structure (condominium). Any or in which ownership has been created by the owners or co-owners by an express declaration of intent under the Unit Ownership Act of Chapter 47A, North Carolina General Statutes.
Use. The activity or function that actually takes place or is intended to take place on or in a , , or , including everything that is done to, on, or in a , , or .
Utility facilities. Any above-ground or facilities, other than , (unless such are used for storage incidental to the operation of such or facilities) owned by a governmental entity, a nonprofit organization, corporation, or any entity defined as a public utility for any purpose by Section 62-3 of the North Carolina General Statutes and used in connection with the production, generation, transmission, delivery, collection or storage of water, sewage, electricity, gas, oil or electronic signals. Excepted from this definition are utility lines and supporting .
Utility facilities, community or regional. All other than neighborhood facilities.
Utility facilities, neighborhood. that are designed to serve the immediately surrounding neighborhood and that must, for reasons associated with the purpose of the utility in question, be located in or near the neighborhood where such facilities are proposed to be located.
Variance. A grant of permission by the Board of Adjustment that authorizes the recipient to do that which, according to the strict letter of this UDO, could not otherwise legally be done.
Vehicle accommodation area. That portion of a that is used by vehicles for access, circulation, parking, and loading and unloading. It comprises the total of , and parking areas.
Vehicular surface area. The paved or non-paved area intended for vehicular circulation or storage. Square footage calculations shall include the total of all located in the yard and in the . This section does not apply to or parking . Any , or portions thereof, built after the adoption of this section, which area is expanded by 25 percent or more, shall be landscaped as required.
Vested right. A right pursuant to G.S. 160D-108 or -108.1 to undertake and complete the and of property under the terms and conditions of an approved after public notice and hearing.
Water dependent structure. Any for which the requires access to or proximity to or citing within surface waters to fulfill its basic purpose, such as boat ramps, boat houses, docks and bulkheads. Ancillary facilities such as , outlets for boat supplies, parking and commercial boat storage areas are not .
Watershed. The entire land area contributing surface drainage at a water supply intake.
Watershed administrator. An official or designated of the Town of Garner responsible for administration and enforcement of the provisions of this UDO.
Watershed record. An official record or file of all requests within the and the actions taken. This record will be maintained by the .
Wholesale sales. On-premises sales of goods primarily to customers engaged in the business of reselling the goods.
Yard, front. The portion of a bounded by a right-of-way, side lines, and the front line of the principal , or , in the absence of a principal or
Yard, rear. The portion of a bounded by side lines, the rear line or right-of-way, and the rear line of the principal , or , in the absence of a principal or .
Yard, side. The portion of a bounded by side line(s) and the side line of a principal , or in the absence of a principal or , extending the full length of the , or and not including any front or (See diagram below).
Yard, cornerside. The portion of a bounded by a right-of-way and the side line of a principle , or in the absence of a principle or extending the full length the , or and not including any front or .
Yard, side and rear (applies to landscaping compliance only). All of the required yard area within the interior side and as established in each underlying zone, that does not fall within the defined yard.
Yards, street (applies to landscaping compliance only). The area of a that lies between the public right-of-way line abutting a and the line created from the /facade facing the right-of-way of a that is extended toward the adjacent side or rear property lines. If the two yards cross, the yard with the smaller distance between the right-of-way and the wall/facade shall be used in this area of overlap.
Zero-lot-line dwelling. A group of two or three attached s with a common wall situated on a property line.
(Ord. No. 3376, § 15, 1-17-06; Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord. No. 3656, § 6, 2-21-12; Ord. No. 3673, § 1, 10-1-12; Ord. No. 3780, § 12, 7-7-15; Ord., 3-16-21)