7.4.   Off-street parking and loading standards.
   A.   Number of required.
      1.   All shall provide a sufficient number of to accommodate the number of vehicles likely to be attracted to the . However, in an effort to minimize that can cause quantity and quality problems, the number of needed should not be based upon rare seasonal peak demands.
      2.   The presumptions established by this section are that:
         a.   A must comply with the parking standards set forth in this section to satisfy the requirement stated in paragraph 1. above; and
         b.   Any that does meet these standards is in compliance. However, the table of parking standards is only intended to establish a presumption and should be flexibly administered, as provided in paragraph C.
      3.   The table of parking standards represents both the typical minimum number of required and the maximum number of allowed. For those desiring additional parking beyond that required by the parking standards, the total number of provided may be increased by up to ten percent above that recommended by the parking standards. If additional parking, above the ten percent increase, is still needed, the additional parking shall be constructed of permeable pavement or shall be drained directly to a bioretention area or other approved water quality as approved by the Town of Garner.
      4.    in the table of parking requirements are keyed to Article 5. If application of this table results in a fractional space, any fraction of one-half or less may be disregarded, while any fraction in excess of one-half be counted as one .
      5.   The number of in of ten or more spaces may be reduced by one if the provides a bicycle rack offering a secure parking area for at least five bicycles.
      6.   Accessible parking.
         a.   Accessible shall be provided in compliance with the following table and shall be identified with above-ground as specified in General Statutes 20-37.6 and 136-30, the North Carolina Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control and Chapter 4 of the North Carolina Accessibility Code, as amended.
Total Spaces in
Minimum Number of  Accessible Spaces
Total Spaces in
Minimum Number of  Accessible Spaces
  1 to 25
  26 to 50
  51 to 75
  76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
Two percent of total
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
         b.   One in every eight (1 in 8) accessible , or a minimum of one (whichever is the greater number), shall be van accessible and shall be identified [by] the words "van accessible" on an above-ground . Van accessible shall be open to all vehicles properly identified in compliance with General Statute 20-37.6.
      7.   Whenever a is constructed, in whole or in part, for low parking need , the should be located so that sufficient usable space remains on the to add the additional that would be required to convert the of the entirely to the new classifications. Whenever a is proposed for purposes that require a lesser number of than other to which the might well be put at some future date, the should send to the a letter explaining that sufficient space should be left on the to add at a later time if required.
   B.   Table of parking requirements. The Town Council recognizes that the table of parking requirements cannot cover every possible situation that may arise. Therefore, in cases not specifically covered, the is authorized through Written Interpretationto determine the parking requirements, using this table as a guide.
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Single-Family Detached
2 spaces per unit, plus 1 space per room rented
Residential Cluster
2 spaces per unit, plus 1 space per room rented
Two-Family Dwelling
2 spaces for each unit, except that one-bedroom units require only 1 space
(fee simple or )
2 spaces for each unit, plus 1 additional space for every 4 in the
Multifamily Residence
1½ spaces for each one-bedroom unit; 2 spaces for each two-bedroom unit; 2 ½ spaces for each unit with three or more bedrooms, plus one additional space for every four units in the .
Upper-Story Residential
2 spaces per unit
2 spaces per unit
2 spaces per unit, plus 1 space per room rented
Security or Caretaker's Quarters
2 spaces per unit
Group Living
1 space per 3 beds
2 spaces for every 5 beds, except for exclusively serving children under 16, in which case 1 space for every 3 beds
1 space for every two employees on maximum shift and 1 space for every 3 beds
1 space per 2 bedrooms and 1.5 spaces per employee
Community Service
1 space per 300 square feet
Library, Museum, Art Gallery, Art Center
1 space per 300 square feet
1 space per 200 square feet of
Day Care
Day Care Center
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 8 clients enrolled
Educational  Facilities
Business Schools
5 spaces per classroom or office
5 spaces per classroom or office
Schools, Public/ Private
2 spaces per classroom or office in elementary schools;5 spaces per classroom or office in high schools
5 spaces per classroom or office
Government Facilities
Ambulance Service, Rescue Squad, Police Station
1 space per 200 square feet of
Prison or Jail
1 per employee plus 1 visitor space per 10 inmates
1 space per 300 square feet of
Health Care
Continuing Care Facility
1 space per employee on maximum shift plus 1 visitor space per 5 beds
2 spaces per bed
Medical Clinic
1 space per 150 feet of
1 space per 200 square feet of
Group Care Facility
1 per 3 beds
Handicapped Institution
1 per 3 beds
1 space for every two employees on maximum shift and 1 space for every 3 beds
Mental Health Facility, Nursing Care Institution
1 space for every employee on maximum shift and 1 space for every 3 beds
1 space for every two employees on maximum shift and 1 space for every 3 beds
Parks and Open Space
1 space per 50 internment plots
Public Park
2 per acre, plus 1 per 250 square feet of developed park facility
Public Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Golf Course
1 space for every 3 to be normally accommodated in the establishment, 5 per tennis court, and 4 per hole
2 per acre, plus 1 per 250 square feet of developed park facility
Passenger  Terminal
Bus Passenger Terminal
1 per 300 square feet
Taxicab or Limousine Operations or Facility
1 per employee, plus 2 visitor spaces
Religious  Institution
1 space for every 4 seats or 1 space for every 40 square feet in the portion of the church to be used for services
Minor Utility
Major Utility
1 per facility, plus 1 additional per 250 square feet of and 1 per fleet vehicle
Telecommunication Facility
1 for service vehicle
Golf Course or Country Club, Private
1 space per 200 square feet of area within enclosed , plus 1 space for every 3 that the outdoor facilities are designed to accommodate when used to the maximum capacity
Gym, Spa, Indoor Tennis Court or Pool, Private
1 space for every 3 that the facilities are designed to accommodate when fully utilized, plus 1 space per 200 square feet of used in a manner not susceptible to such calculation
Horse Stables
1 space per 2 horses at maximum capacity
1 space for every 3 that the facilities are designed to accommodate when fully utilized (if they can be measured in such a fashion) plus 1 space per 200 square feet of used in a manner not susceptible to such calculation
Indoor Entertainment Facility
1 space for every 3 that the facilities are designed to accommodate when fully utilized (if they can be measured in such a fashion) plus 1 space per 200 square feet of used in a manner not susceptible to such calculation
Outdoor Athletic Facility, Private
1 per 3 fixed seats, plus 1 per 25 square feet of of exhibit or portable seating space.
Sexually Oriented Business
1 per 100 square feet of , or 1 per each 4 permanent seats, plus 1 space per 200 square feet of
1 space for every four seats
Theater, Drive-In
1 space per speaker outlet
Water Slide
1 space for every 3 that the facilities are designed to accommodate when fully utilized
1 space for every 200 square feet of
Medical Office
1 space for every 200 square feet of
1 space for every 300 square feet of
Overnight Accommodations
Bed and Breakfast
1 space per room plus 1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift
Extended Stay Facility
1 space per room plus 1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift
1 space per room plus 1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift
Parking,  Commercial
1 space per employee on the maximum shift
1 space per 100 square feet of , plus 1.5 spaces for every 2 employees.
1 space for each 3 seats, plus reserve lane capacity equal to 5 spaces per drive-up window
1 space plus 6 spaces per order delivery on maximum shift
Retail Sales and Service
Bar, Nightclub, Taverns
1 space per 100 square feet of
Convenience Store
1 space per 200 square feet of
Fuel Sales
1 space per 200 square feet of of devoted primarily to gas sales operation, plus sufficient parking area to accommodate 2 vehicles per pump without interfering with other
Open Air Market
1 space per 300 square feet of sales area
Veterinarian/ , Indoor
1 space per 200 square feet of
Veterinarian/ , Outdoor
1 space per 200 square feet of
1 space per 200 square feet of
Self-Service Storage
1 per 5,000 square feet of area devoted to storage
Vehicle Sales and Service
Car Wash
1 space for every 3 employees on the maximum shift plus 3 spaces per stall
Vehicle Repair
5 spaces per service bay plus 1 space for each employee
Vehicle Sales, Rental
2 spaces per 300 square feet of plus one space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift
Vehicle Service, Limited
5 spaces per service bay plus 1 space for each employee
1 space per employee, plus one visitor space per 200 square feet of office
Aviation  Service
1 space per employee, plus one visitor space per 200 square feet of office
Light Industrial Service
1 per 500 square feet of
1 per 500 square feet of , plus 1 additional per 1,000 square feet of outdoor facility and 1 per 2,500 square feet of indoor storage area
Manufacturing and  Production
1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift or 1 space per 200 square feet of , as most appropriate
Resource  Extraction
1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift, plus 1 per 200 square feet of indoor facilities
Warehouse and Freight Movement
1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum shift but not less than 1 per 5,000 square feet of area devoted to (whether inside or outside)
Truck Terminal
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift
Waste Related Service
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift plus 1 space per vehicle used in operation
Recyclable Materials Collection
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift plus 1 space per vehicle used in operation
Salvage Yard
1 space per 2 employees on the maximum shift but not less than 1 per 5,000 square feet of area devoted to , plus 1 space per vehicle in operation
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift plus 1 space per vehicle used in operation
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift plus 1 space per vehicle used in operation
1 space for every 2 employees on maximum shift
1 space per 2 employees on maximum shift
   C.   Flexibility in administration authorized.
      1.   In recognition that inflexible application of the parking standards in paragraph B., above, may result in inadequate or excessive parking requirements, the permit-issuing authority shall permit deviations from the presumptive requirements of paragraph B. of up to 25%.
      2.   Any allowed or required deviation from the presumptive parking requirements set forth in paragraph B. above shall be entered on the permit.
      3.   If the permit-issuing authority is the , and the applicant does not wish to accept the Planning Director's decision and requirements, the applicant can request a .
   D.    dimensions. Each shall contain a rectangular area at least 18 feet long and nine feet wide, except as follows:
      1.   Handicapped spaces shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 4 of the North Carolina Accessibility Code, as amended and shall be located as closely and conveniently as practical to entrances (see Appendix F).
      2.   Parallel shall have a rectangular area of not less than 24 feet in length and nine feet in width.
      3.   Angled shall conform with the dimensions illustrated below. Alternative designs may be allowed by the Town Engineer provided it is consistent with the recommended dimensions contained in the latest edition of the Traffic Engineering Handbook published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers.
   E.   Required widths of and .
      1.    widths shall conform to the following table, which relates aisle widths to parking angles.
Parking Angle
Width: One Row  Sharing Aisle
Width: Two Rows  Sharing Aisle
90 degrees
42 feet
60 feet
60 degrees
40 feet
62 feet
45 degrees
35 feet
56 feet
      2.    shall be not less than ten feet in width for one-way traffic and 18 feet in width for two-way traffic, except that ten feet wide are permissible for two-way traffic when:
         a.   The is not longer than 50 feet;
         b.   It provides access to not more than six spaces;
         c.   Sufficient turning space is provided so that vehicles need not back into a public ;
         d.   The is a low traffic volume and the public right-of-way has a low traffic volume.
   A may provide relief from this requirement.
      3.   For proposed adjacent to U.S. 70, 401 or N.C. 50, see Article 8.
   F.   General design requirements. shall be designed so that:
      1.   Vehicles may exit such area without backing onto a public . This requirement does not apply to serving one or two .
      2.   Vehicles cannot overhang property lines, public rights-of-way, or public sidewalks, or tend to bump against or damage any wall, vegetation or other obstruction.
      3.   Vehicles can move without posing a danger to pedestrians or other vehicles and without interfering with parking areas.
   G.    surfaces and standards.
      1.   It is strongly recommended that with lanes for drive-in windows or ten or more , and that are used at least five days per week, be graded and surfaced with asphalt, concrete or other material that will provide equivalent protection against potholes, erosion, and dust. Appendix C contains specifications for surfaces meeting this standard.
      2.    not permanently surfaced shall be graded and surfaced with crushed stone, gravel or other suitable material (as provided in the specifications set forth in the Town of Garner Standard Construction Details in Appendix B) to stabilize the area and reduce dust and erosion. The perimeter of such parking areas shall be defined by bricks, stones, railroad ties, or similar devices. This section shall not apply to required to have only one or two .
      3.    shall provide a minimum five feet or perimeter space between the right-of-way line or property line and the edge of the , and shall be landscaped in plantings or other appropriate manner. When adjacent to residential and/or districts, plantings, hedge or a solid fence to a height of at least four feet shall provide a screen.
      4.    shall be demarcated in a practical and appropriate manner.
      5.    shall be properly maintained. In particular, surfaces shall be kept in good condition and demarcations shall be kept clearly visible and distinct.
      6.    shall be separated from walkways so that at least a 4-foot walkway width is unobstructed.
   H.   Joint of required .
      1.   One parking area may contain required spaces for several , but, except as provided in paragraph 2. below, the required space assigned to one may not be credited to any other .
      2.   To the extent that that wish to make joint of the same operate at different times, the same spaces may be credited to both . For example, if a parking is used in connection with an office on Monday through Friday but is generally 90 percent vacant on weekends, another that operates only on weekends could be credited with 90 percent of the spaces on that . Or, if a church parking is generally occupied only to 50 percent of capacity on days other than Sunday, another could make of 50 percent of the church lot's spaces on those other days.
      3.   If the joint of the same by two or more principal involves satellite , then the provisions of paragraph I. below are also applicable.
   I.   Satellite parking.
      1.   If the required number of off- cannot reasonably be provided on the same as the they are serving then spaces may be provided on nearby in accordance with the provisions of this section. These off-site spaces are referred to as satellite .
      2.   Satellite (except spaces intended for employee ) must be located within 400 feet of the associated with such parking.
      3.   Satisfactory written evidence of permission by the owner(s) of the area to be used for satellite must be provided by the . The must also an acknowledgment that the continuing validity of his permit depends upon his continuing ability to provide the requisite number of .
      4.   For where:
         a.   The (s) pre-existed this UDO;
         b.   A change in that does not involve any structural enlargement is proposed; and
         c.   The parking requirements cannot be satisfied on such , then the need only comply with the requirements of paragraph A. of this section to the extent that is available on the where the is located, and satellite is reasonably available as provided in paragraph F of this section. It shall be a continuing condition of the permit authorizing on such that the obtain satellite parking when it does become reasonably available.
      5.   Satellite parking areas are required to satisfy the general design requirements of paragraphs F. and G. of this section.
   J.   .
      1.   Whenever normal business operations require routine deliveries to or shipments from a , sufficient off- must be provided in accordance with this section to accommodate the delivery or shipment operations in a safe and convenient manner.
      2.   The must be of sufficient size to accommodate the numbers and types of vehicles that are likely to use this area. The following table indicates the number and size of spaces that, presumptively, satisfy the standard set forth in this subsection. However, the permit-issuing authority shall approve more or less if numerical justification is signed and sealed by an engineer licensed in NC .
Number of Spaces with Maximum Dimensions of 12' X 25' and Overhead Clearance of 14' From Grade
Number of Spaces with Maximum Dimensions of 12' X 25' and Overhead Clearance of 14' From Grade
400,000 and over
6 spaces plus one space for each additional 90,000 square feet over 400,000 square feet or fraction thereof
      3.    shall be so located and designed that the vehicles intended to use them:
         a.   Can maneuver safely and conveniently to and from a public right-of- way; and
         b.   Complete the loading and unloading operations without obstructing or interfering with any public right-of-way or any or parking aisle.
      4.   No area allocated to loading and unloading facilities may be used to satisfy requirements for off- parking and vice-versa.
      5.   Loading areas within the of industrial shall be self contained and capable of handling its own truck maneuvering and docking requirements. The maneuvering, staging and docking areas shall not be in conflict with the required , and their aisle/maneuvering areas. The of public for commercial vehicle staging and/or maneuvering is prohibited. Loading areas shall be located either to the rear or the side of the industrial (s) to alleviate unsightly appearances often created by loading facilities. Where such locations are not feasible, loading docks and doors shall be screened as detailed in Section 7.1.M.2.
(Ord. No. 3396, § 13, 4-3-06; Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord. No. 3673, § 4, 10-1-12; Ord. No. 3749, § 3, 10-6-14 ; Ord., 3-16-21 )