6.6.   Manufactured home parks and subdivisions.
    parks and shall be subject to all applicable state and local regulations, as well as with the following standards.
   A.   Land area. The minimum land area required for a manufactured housing park is three acres.
   B.   Density limitations. Any or tract of land occupied by a manufactured housing park shall have a maximum density of five per gross acre.
   C.    size standards. in the RMH district requires a minimum 5,000 square foot for sites with both public water and sewer available, and a 10,000 square foot where either a well or septic system is used. Wake County Health Department regulations may require larger . Minimum widths shall be 50 feet in a park and 70 feet in a .
   D.   Orientation of . No shall face the narrow end of the manufactured unit to the public unless the width of the unit is greater than 24 feet.
   E.   Separation of service . Every service in a park shall be at least 25 feet from the boundary of any other property in any residential zoning district.
   F.    in parks. No , except common park , shall be located on park spaces.
   G.   Required parking. A minimum of two off- shall be provided for each dwelling unit within a manufactured housing park.
   H.    and drives.
      1.   No private drives are permitted within a . Public must be constructed in accordance with Town of Garner standards.
      2.   For parks, the tract as whole shall have a minimum 20-foot frontage on a public right-of-way. Internal access may be by private drives. All private drives shall have a minimum of 24 feet of pavement. A minimum six-foot wide strip adjoining and parallel to the paved surface of the drive, on both sides, shall be reserved from except for , walkways and vegetation. The outer edge of the six-foot reserved strip is the limit of the reserved area referenced in previous sections of this UDO.
   I.   State standards. All manufactured housing units shall conform to the State of North Carolina Standards for manufactured housing anchorage, tie downs and blocking.
   J.   Site plan. Prior to the of any new manufactured housing park established after the effective date of this UDO, and prior to the enlargement of any existing manufactured housing park, a site plan conforming to the requirements of this subsection shall be approved by the . The required site plan shall be drawn to scale and shall explicitly illustrate at least the following features.
      1.   Location and dimensions of all park boundaries.
      2.   Location of pavement on adjoining rights-of-way.
      3.   Location and dimensions of any permanent improvements existing or planned within the park, including but not limited to the following:
         a.   Improved surfaces for common , off- parking and recreation areas.
         b.    for management, maintenance and recreational purposes.
         c.   Any other recreational facilities.
         d.   Any fences or walls.
         e.   The location of pipelines and systems for potable water distribution, sewage collection and fire protection, including location of all fire hydrants.
   K.    required. A in accordance with Section 3.5 is required for all .
   L.   Phasing. Phasing of a proposed park or may be allowed, provided the proposed phasing is approved by the Town Council and will not create undue hardships for the residents of the or those vehicles that can reasonably be expected to service the .
(Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord., 3-16-21)