4.15.   Timber Drive East Overlay District.
   A.   Purpose and intent. The Town Council finds that vehicular and pedestrian mobility should be maximized along the Timber Drive East Corridor. The believes that Timber Drive East Extension is a place where residential neighborhoods should be preserved and quality commercial should be located only in areas recommended by the comprehensive growth plan, which together results in a pleasing and harmonious environment of trees, natural and , and building . Therefore, the adopts the Timber Drive East Overlay District as a means to direct commercial at recommended core areas along Timber Drive consistent with the standards established herein in order to protect the general appearance of the Timber Drive East Corridor, while sustaining the livability of the surrounding residential neighborhoods and the natural beauty of the area.
   B.   Overlay zone. The Timber Drive East Overlay District is an overlay zone. The land regulations applicable to the underlying zone remain in full force and effect except where superseded herein. Where there is a provision not expressed in the underlying zone, or where a provision hereof is in conflict with the underlying zone or other requirement, the stricter provision shall be controlling.
   C.   Location. The Timber Drive East Overlay District shall apply to the segment of Timber Drive from N.C. 50 to White Oak Road and shall include all of the property with frontage on Timber Drive from N.C. 50 to White Oak Road as defined by the Official Timber Drive East Overlay Map. The Town of Garner Official Zoning Map shall be amended to clearly indicate the boundaries of the adopted Timber Drive East Overlay District. In cases where any portion of a or parking area falls within the boundaries of the overlay district, these provisions shall apply to all of the (s) and parking areas.
   D.   Conditional zoning districts authorized.
      1.   The Town Council may establish conditional zoning districts upon request by or on behalf of the property owner as provided herein only for properties located within the Timber Drive East Overlay District.
   E.   Permissible and Prohibited . Unless otherwise restricted below, all allowed by the underlying zoning district are permissible in the Timber Drive East Overlay District provided all requirements and permits as required by this UDO are satisfied.
      1.   Restricted . The following are permissible in the Timber Drive East Overlay District provided the complies with special standards listed below:
         a.   Temporary school classroom units are permissible provided they are screened from all public views. Any landscaping required to achieve this standard shall be installed at an initial height of six feet.
         b.   Open storage and operations are restricted to only those activities associated with a garden center operated in conjunction with a home improvement center or a large retail store provided the location of outside storage is 100 percent screened from public views as determined by the Planning Department. The amount of outside storage areas is limited to 25 percent of the of principal served.
         c.   Fast food with drive-in window operations are permissible only when such drive-in window service area(s) are not visible from Timber Drive views.
         d.   Convenience store or gas sales operations that meet the following design criteria:
            (1)   Operation limited to between 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.;
            (2)   The number of pump dispensing units shall be limited to a maximum of four units with no more than eight fueling positions;
            (3)    shall have a pitched roof with shingle roof material;
            (4)   Canopy (s) shall be detached;
            (5)   Canopy shall have a roof style and be constructed of a building material to match the and shall not exceed the height of the , but in no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet (large canopy superstructures are prohibited);
            (6)   Site lighting shall be designed to have a zero footcandle measurement at property lines adjoining residential ;
            (7)   Canopy/gas island operational areas shall be screened from adjoining residential to provide a 100 percent visual screen throughout the year to a minimum height of eight feet using any combination of landscaping, earthen berms or fencing; and
            (8)   Canopy/gas island operational vehicular areas shall be screened from all public to a minimum height of three feet.
         e.   Gas sales operations, which may include a small kiosk or enclosed not exceeding 300 square feet in size that is not designed for walk-in traffic may be allowed in the Timber Drive East Overlay District provided that the requirements listed in Subsection d. above have been satisfied with the exception of Subsection d.(2), and that the following requirements have been met.
            (1)   The site does not front directly on Timber Drive and the /canopy is located a minimum of 200 feet from Timber Drive.
            (2)   Up to a total of six gas dispensing units with no more than a total of 12 fueling positions allowed.
            (3)   The overall appearance and design of the and/or canopy, including site landscaping, is consistent with surrounding in terms of scale, building materials and colors.
         f.   Hotel and motels are allowed provided such are not located closer than 300 feet to the boundary line of a zoning district.
         g.   Limited vehicle services are permitted/allowed provided the following design criteria are met:
            (1)   Limited vehicle service centers are permissible on parcels located within the Timber Drive East Overlay District that directly front along U.S. 70 or N.C. 50 only;
            (2)   All service bay(s) associated with shall be oriented so as not to directly face U.S. 70, N.C. 50, or an adjoining residential ;
            (3)   All service bays shall have 100 percent screen to a minimum full height of two and one-half feet at time of plant installation, and shall be maintained at a minimum height of three and one-half feet; and
            (4)   A 100 percent screen to a minimum height of eight feet shall be required where the property directly adjoins a residential .
      2.   Prohibited . The following are prohibited in the Timber Drive East Overlay District:
         a.   Sales and rental of goods, merchandise and equipment with storage operations and display of goods outside a fully enclosed .
         b.   Office, clerical, research and services not primarily related to goods or merchandise where operations are conducted outside a fully enclosed .
         c.   Manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovation, painting, cleaning, assembling of goods, merchandise and equipment.
         d.   Pool halls.
         e.   Golf driving ranges (not accessory to golf courses), miniature golf courses, skateboard parks, water slides and similar .
         f.   Drive-in movie theaters.
         g.   Bars, nightclubs, ABC permitted private clubs.
         h.   Adults cabarets and establishments.
         i.   Vehicle sales or rentals.
         j.   Auto service stations.
         k.   General vehicle repair.
         l.   Vehicle towing and/or storage.
         m.   Car wash.
         n.   Storage and parking.
         o.   Scrap materials, salvage yards, junkyards, and automobile graveyards.
         p.   Service and enterprises related to animals with outside facilities for keeping animals.
         q.   Mining or quarrying operations; including on-site sales of products; coal or aggregate sales and/or storage; and concrete mixing plants.
         r.   Reclamation .
         s.    and greater than 35 feet tall.
         t.   Open air markets.
         u.   Bus stations.
         v.   Taxi base operations.
         w.   Commercial greenhouse operations.
         x.    .
         y.    .
         z.   Outdoor entertainment facility.
         aa.   Jail/detention facility.
         bb.   Self-storage facility.
         cc.    .
   F.   .
      1.   All plans submitted under this UDO shall show a limit line delineating protected areas and any tree save areas intended for the property. Protective orange fencing surrounding all protective areas, plus ten feet, and around tree save areas at the drip line shall be installed prior to . Any cutting or clearance within an approved protected or tree save area shall be subject to a fine of $5.00 per square yard of area in the protected or tree save area that has been prematurely denuded.
      2.   No minor clearance of the existing vegetation within an approved protected area or tree save area to be retained on the property shall be allowed until after on the parcel is completed and upon approval by the Planning Department.
      3.   Logging or timbering activities on properties within the corridor are strongly encouraged to be limited to the interior portions of the exclusive of required areas unless specifically approved by the Town of Garner, according to the general requirements of the UDO.
      4.   Land activities such as, but not limited to, site grading, , parking and vehicular areas, shall be excluded from the perimeter area of in order to protect existing trees and vegetation in required areas if allowed under the general provisions of the UDO.
      5.   Any grading or clearing (including removal of stumps) on land within the overlay district, not part of a proposal, requires site plan approval by the Town of Garner prior to any such activity on the site. All such activities shall be consistent with the standards of this UDO.
   G.    access. The existing access location standards set forth in Article 8 of the UDO shall govern locations on Timber Drive as well as North Carolina Department of Transportation requirements. The permit issuing authority may allow deviations from these standards if it concludes, based upon a traffic impact study submitted by a professional traffic engineer, the requested deviations do not pose any traffic safety impacts to the public and that such deviations have been recommended by the Town Engineer and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
   H.   Design standards. The following design standards shall apply to all new within the Timber Drive Overlay District:
      1.    height. The maximum height for a located in the Timber Drive East Overlay District is 35 feet when it directly adjoins residentially developed property, unless the setback from all property lines increases one foot for every foot the exceeds 35 feet in height. For all other locations on the corridor, the applicable height limits are controlled by the existing requirements of Article 6.
      2.    setback from Timber Drive right-of-way. setback shall be 35 feet from the Timber Drive right-of-way line. A build-to line of 20 feet is permitted when no vehicle surface areas are located in front of the . For all other building yard setbacks, the applicable underlying zoning standards shall apply.
      3.   Building design guidelines. All , business or office complexes shall provide design guidelines consistent with the following standards which must be approved by the Town of Garner as part of the overall plan submittal. An individual nonresidential not part of a larger or business or office complex shall be subject to the following provisions:
         a.   No metal or vinyl siding on nonresidential shall be permitted;
         b.   Seventy-five percent of the primary materials shall consist of brick or decorative/scored concrete masonry units in styles and colors approved by the Town of Garner. Such building materials shall be applied on all building facades visible from Timber Drive;
         c.   All dumpster enclosures and accessory/storage for new shall be of materials and colors that match the served and shall be sited on the property to minimize views from all public .
         d.   All building awnings used must be appropriately designed as part of the building's architecture and unified with the building's colors and style. Such awnings shall not be internally illuminated;
         e.    shall be limited to a maximum of three types of materials and colors. If a is part of a , business or office complex, the materials and colors used must be consistent with the approved design guidelines for the larger ;
         f.   Design guidelines required by this UDO shall substantially meet the applicable design recommendations of the comprehensive growth plan and shall include provisions that address height, scale and setback distances, unifying site elements such as building materials and colors, landscaping, site lighting elements, and pedestrian circulation systems; and
         g.   Chain link fences in commercial zoning districts shall have vinyl covering or some other similar material in a color that is compatible with the materials and colors.
   I.   Vegetation and landscaping standards.
      1.   General requirements.
         a.   An undisturbed along Timber Drive shall be required. Minor underbrush clearing is permissible only by obtaining preapproval from the Planning Department. Such approval may not be unreasonably withheld without just cause.
         b.   The shall extend 50 feet along corner side and 40 feet along all entrances to new .
         c.   The of native or locally adaptable species is required.
         d.    limit lines shall be shown on all site plans. Approved undisturbed areas shall be protected on the ground with orange fencing and shall be installed prior to the issuance of a building permit. Such fencing shall be maintained during the entire time of .
         e.   The suitability of existing vegetation to meet the planting requirements for a required must be approved by the Planning Department. Otherwise, the applicant shall be required to provide a new landscape planting plan which meets the standards of this UDO as well all other applicable requirements of Article 7. Such plans must be approved by the Town of Garner Planning Department.
      2.   Residential . Residential and unsubdivided with frontage along the right-of-way of Timber Drive shall maintain a 25-foot undisturbed . No fencing shall be allowed within the 25-foot area. Fences shall not be allowed along property frontages with Timber Drive unless they are of uniform height and design according to plans that have been approved by the permitting authority. Required landscape planting within the residential shall consist of one (ten feet tall with a two-inch at installation) for every 40 feet of frontage, with a combination of vegetation and/or earthen berms to achieve a 100 percent screen to a height of four feet.
      3.   Nonresidential .
         a.   Undisturbed . A 20-foot undisturbed along Timber Drive shall be required. Minor underbrush clearing of an undisturbed is permissible only with preapproval from the Planning Department. Where existing trees and vegetation are retained that qualify according to the terms of this UDO regarding types, sizes, locations, and are healthy species as determined by the Planning Department, additional landscaping may not be required. In cases where additional planting is required when existing vegetation is not present in the area, a planting plan must be approved by the Town of Garner. One shall be provided for every 40 feet of frontage. Such tree shall be a minimum of 12 feet tall with a two and one-half-inch at installation. All visible from Timber Drive must provide additional landscape screening to achieve a 100 percent screen of the to a minimum height of three feet at installation.
         b.    for 20-foot build-to-line option. Where the build-to-line option is approved and there is no between the and the right-of-way of Timber Drive, a 20-foot with only a lawn area and one (12 feet tall with a two and one-half-inch at installation) for every 40 feet of frontage is permissible. Under this option, shall be located in the rear of the .
   J.   Site lighting. The provisions of Article 7, Special standards in the Timber Drive Overlay District, shall apply to properties located in the Timber Drive East Overlay District.
   K.   Signage. The provisions of Article 7 regarding signage requirements for Timber Drive shall apply to property located in the Timber Drive East Overlay District.
(Ord. No. 3497, § 1, 12-18-07; Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord. No. 3780, § 4, 7-7-15; Ord., 3-16-21)