9.3.2.   Extension or Alteration.
   A.   A nonconforming may be extended throughout any portion of a completed that, when the was made nonconforming by this UDO, was manifestly designed or arranged to accommodate such . However, a nonconforming use may not be extended to additional buildings or to land outside the original .
   B.   A nonconforming of open land may not be extended to cover more land than was occupied by that when it became nonconforming, except that a use involving the removal of natural materials (e.g., a quarry) may be expanded to the boundaries of the where the was established at the time it became nonconforming if ten percent or more of the earth products had already been removed at the effective date of this UDO.
   C.   For full description of standards for alterations or additions, see Figure 9.6-A.