3.7.2.  Sign Permit.
   A.   Purpose. It is the purpose of this subsection to permit and regulate signs and their placement in such a way as to support and complement the land use objectives set forth in this UDO and in other Town Council declarations of policy; to avoid endangering the public safety, and not confuse or mislead a driver or obstruct the vision necessary for traffic safety; and to advance the economic stability, preservation and enhancement of property values, and the visual impact and image of the Town.
   B.   A is a type of Zoning Compliance Permit, with additional standards as described herein. Where conflict occurs, these standards shall apply. Where a standard is not referenced or modified, the existing standard shall apply.
   C.   For standards related to signs and s, see Article 7, General Development Standards.
   D.   Applicability.
      1.   Except as otherwise provided in this UDO, no may be erected, moved, enlarged, or altered except in accordance with and pursuant to a .
      2.   No shall be issued unless the plans and information submitted demonstrate that the will conform to all applicable requirements of this UDO.
   E.   Application. A application shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements maintained by the Planning Department.
   F.   The shall review each application and act to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the permit. The may grant approval with conditions only to the extent that such conditions specify the actions necessary to bring the application into complete compliance with this UDO.
   G.   A may also require separate and electrical permits from the Town.
   H.    permits expire as a Zoning Compliance Permit would.
(Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord., 3-16-21)