3.5.3.  Major Subdivision.
   A.   All other s of land not listed in Section 3.5.2 shall be considered major subdivisions.
   B.   Review.
      1.   A major subdivision requires submission and review of a preliminary plat.
      2.   The Town shall forward the preliminary plat to the Wake County Health Department, and any other affected agencies potentially including NCDOT and the Wake County Board of Education.
         Commentary (1/1/2021): Approval of utility tap locations by CORPUD is required prior to final plat review by the Town.
      3.   Within 15 days of submittal of the application, the TRC shall review the preliminary plat and application for consistency with the UDO. For preliminary s that do not meet the standards of this Ordinance, a list of deficiencies shall be provided to the applicant, which may also include a list of potential options for bringing the preliminary into compliance.
   C.   Upon a determination by the TRC that the preliminary meets the standards of this Ordinance, it shall be approved by the .
   D.   Action following Preliminary Plat Approval.
      1.   Following preliminary approval, the applicant may proceed to comply with other requirements of this UDO including plans, preparation of the final plat, and other approvals and permits.
      2.   The preliminary approval does not guarantee the approval of the final .
(Ord. No. 3523, §§ 2, 3, 8-4-08; Ord. No. 3558, § 2, 7-7-09; Ord., 3-16-21)