10-5-5: SKETCH PLAN:
   The sketch plan shall consist of a drawing on twenty four inch by thirty six inch (24" x 36") tracing vellum. Drawings shall have a one and one-half inch (11/2") margin on the left and a one-half inch (1/2") margin on the three (3) remaining sides. The drawing may be in pencil but shall be clear and legible. The plan shall include the following:
   A. The name of the proposed subdivision.
   B. The name, home and business address of the developer.
   C. The name and business address of the project designer and engineer.
   D. The dimensions, area and general location of the site.
   E. North point or arrow, pointing to the left or top of sheet.
   F. Location of existing buildings.
   G. Location and names of existing streets and general location of proposed streets.
   H. Public and private easements related to the site.
   I. Survey monuments.
   J. Watercourses and impoundments.
   K. Location and description of existing vegetation.
   L. Storm water disposal facilities; location and size of utility service (water, sewer, power, gas, telephone, cable) lines; location and type of proposed sewage disposal facilities; type of water system proposed; location of all other proposed on site and off site improvements.
   M. Topographic contours from existing data such as USGS quads.
   N. Soils and geologic map, indicating soil types, their boundaries, and any known geologic hazards such as fault zones, unstable soils, etc.
   O. Vicinity map.
   P. Name and address of property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed subdivision.
   Q. Adjacent properties and names of owners.
   R. Existing zoning. (Ord., 2-29-1996)