(A)   General. New projects may be developed in phases or sections. Each phase or section shall consist of a number of improvements which can be completely developed within a period designated by the Sketch Plan Review Committee. When the improvements have been completed and approved by the Sketch Plan Review Committee, the developer may submit the next phase of the proposed development in accordance with the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Infrastructure improvements. Infrastructure improvements may be developed in phases, or for the entire project upon appropriate permits, inspections and approvals from the Building Official.
   (C)   Site plans. The initial preliminary site plan(s) and/or master plan(s) shall show all sections or phases of the development.
   (D)   Alterations. Whenever a change is proposed in phase ordering, the preliminary site plan shall be revised and submitted in accordance with the procedures of this section.
   (E)   Phase numbering. Phases shall be identified in consecutive numerical titles and an easily recognizable order, as identified on approved preliminary and/or master site plans.
   (F)   Intent. The intent is that improvements be completed within a reasonable period of time as designated by the Sketch Plan Review Committee. If progress has not been made within said time period, and there are no immediate plans for substantial work to be completed, the Building Official shall rule the building permit null and void by reason of inactivity.
(Ord. 2022-7, passed 4-25-2022)