(A)   The County Commission shall, with respect to the unincorporated areas of the county:
      (1)   Exercise all legislative powers, have all legislative duties and perform all legislative functions of the county;
      (2)   Consider each land use application that the Planning Commission recommends; and
      (3)   Provide notice as required by UCA § 17-27a-2 and hold a public meeting to consider the Planning Commission’s recommendations.
   (B)   The County Commission may, with respect to the unincorporated areas of the county:
      (1)   Take any action required by law and necessary to the full discharge of its duties, even though the action is not expressly authorized by state statute;
      (2)   Approve a land use application as recommended by the Planning Commission;
      (3)   Approve a land use application with revisions;
      (4)   Deny the recommended land use application;
      (5)   Consider the Planning Commission’s failure to make a timely recommendation as a negative recommendation; and
      (6)   Require onsite and offsite improvements, facilities and amenities if they are determined necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the county, and are found consistent with the intent of this and other related ordinances.
(Ord. 2021-10, passed 9-27-2021; Ord. 2022-1, passed 1-24-2022)