(A)   There is an underlying policy in the county, strongly favoring careful consideration of matters involving constitutional taking of property, in fairness to the owner of private property bringing the claim and in view of the uncertainty and expense involved in defending law suits alleging such issues. At the same time, the legitimate role of government in lawfully regulating real property must be preserved and the public’s right to require the dedication or exaction of property consistent with the constitution.
   (B)   Consistent with this policy, the Board of County Commissioners hereby adopt a procedure for review of actions that may involve the issue of a constitutional taking. These provisions are to assist county government in considering decisions that may involve constitutional takings.
   (C)   This subchapter is further intended and shall be construed to objectively and fairly review claims by citizens that a specific county government action requires payment of just compensation, yet preserve the ability of the county to lawfully regulate real property and fulfill its other duties and functions.
(Ord. 1994-2, passed 12-12-1994)