(A)   The county maintains all rights and authority to protect its interest on public land, and grazing on public land by livestock and wildlife, by controlling predators as it deems necessary.
   (B)   The following tools, methods, and techniques shall be maintained for use on all land within the boundaries of the county for the control of predators:
      (1)   Trapping;
      (2)   Shooting;
      (3)   M-44s;
      (4)   Aerial hunting;
      (5)   Denning;
      (6)   Calling and shooting;
      (7)   Guard dogs;
      (8)   Guard llamas;
      (9)   Snaring;
      (10)   Frightened agents;
      (11)   Herd dogs; and
      (12)   Any other new development deemed prudent by the County Commission.
   (C)   The County Commission strictly denies the right of any entity to transplant predators; such as, wolves, into the county without its majority consent.
(Ord. 1992-1, passed - -)