§ 154.607 BILLBOARDS.
   (A)   Findings. The city has made the following determinations related to billboard signs:
      (1)   Billboard signs are not appropriate in areas zoned for residential uses (R-1, R-2, R-3, and PD), because the intense commercial nature of the advertising activity would be harmful to residential property values and incompatible with the quality of life in residential areas;
      (2)   Billboard signs are not appropriate in the city’s commercial districts (C-1, C-2, C-3, CBD, and VP) and industrial districts (M-1), because such signs would be out-of-scale with the structures and commercial/industrial character of the districts, incompatible with abutting residential uses, and harmful to the promotion of commerce in the district;
      (3)   Billboard signs are not appropriate in Public Recreation District (PRD) that are intended to provide for passive and active recreational needs of the residents and not designed for billboard signs that could create visual clutter, compete for the visual attention of motorists, and increase hazards for motorists and pedestrians; and
      (4)   The placement of new billboard signs in the city is contrary to the purpose of this subchapter.
   (B)   Billboards prohibited. In accordance with the above findings, new billboard signs are hereby prohibited within the city.
   (C)   Existing billboards. Billboard signs lawfully existing in the city on the date of adoption of this subchapter shall be permitted to continue, subject to the provisions of § 154.609, Nonconforming Signs. The Building Inspector or Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for maintaining an inventory of the location and condition of all existing billboard signs in the city.
(Ord. 10-013, passed 1-11-10; Am. Ord. 22-001, passed 1-24-22)