Unless otherwise specified, all landscape materials shall comply with the following standards.
   (A)   Plant quality. Plant materials used in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be nursery grown, free of pests and diseases, hardy in Wayne County, in conformance with the standards
of the American Association of Nurserymen, and shall have passed inspections required under state regulations.
   (B)   Non-living plant material. Plastic and other non-living plant materials shall not be considered acceptable to meet the landscaping requirements of this chapter. Bodies of water, boulder groupings, landscape furniture, and man-made landscape ornaments, singly or in combination, shall not account for more than 30% of the ground area to be landscaped.
   (C)   Plant material specifications. The following specifications shall apply to all plant material proposed in accordance with the landscaping requirements of this chapter.
      (1)   Deciduous shade trees. Deciduous shade trees shall be a minimum of 2½ inches in caliper measured 12 inches above grade with the first branch a minimum of four feet above grade when planted.
      (2)   Deciduous ornamental trees. Deciduous ornamental trees shall be a minimum of 1½ inches in caliper measured six inches above grade with a minimum of height of four feet above grade when planted.
      (3)   Evergreen trees. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of five feet in height when planted. Furthermore, evergreen trees shall have a minimum spread of 2½ feet, and the size of the burlapped root ball shall be at least ten times the caliper measured six inches above grade.
      (4)   Shrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum of two feet in height when planted. Low-growing shrubs shall have a minimum spread of 24 inches when planted.
      (5)   Hedges. Hedges shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken, visual screen within two years after planting, barring unusual growing conditions, such as drought or disease. Hedges shall be a minimum of two feet in height when planted.
      (6)   Vines. Vines shall be a minimum of 30 inches in length after one growing season.
      (7)   Ground cover. Ground cover used in lieu of turf grasses in whole or in part shall be planted in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage after one complete growing season.
      (8)   Grass. Grass area shall be planted using species normally grown as permanent lawns in the county. Grass, sod, and seed shall be clean and free of weeds, pests, and diseases. Grass may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded. When grass is to be established by a method other than complete sodding or seeding, nurse grass seed shall be sown for immediate effect and protection until complete coverage is otherwise achieved. Straw or other mulch shall be used to protect newly seeded areas.
      (9)   Mulch. Mulch used around trees, shrubs, and vines shall be a minimum of three inches deep, and installed in a manner as to present a finished appearance.
      (10) Undesirable plant material. Use of the following plant materials (or their clones or cultivars) is not encouraged because of susceptibility to storm drainage, disease, and other undesirable characteristics. Additional undesirable plant materials may be identified, a list of which shall be maintained by the Zoning Administrator.
Box Elder
American Elm
Tree of Heaven
European Barberry
Northern Catalpa
Silver Maple
Horse Chestnut (nut bearing)
(Ord. 92-005, passed 2-17-92) Penalty, see § 154.999