(A)   The City Clerk shall act as agent of the Planning Commission under this chapter to permit the filing of plats for the Commission agenda at a municipal office, to make the records of the Assessor's office available to the Clerk for proper mailing of notices, and to permit the proper assessing and receipt of fees as provided for by this chapter. The Clerk shall place the proposed preliminary plat on the agenda of the next regular Planning Commission meeting which follows the submittal by not less than 20 days. Should the Planning Commission, in their review, find that any data required under § 152.004 and §§ 152.015 through 152.019 is omitted, the secretary of the Planning Commission shall notify the subdivider of the additional data required and delay further Planning Commission action until the required data is received. Failure to comply with all requirements is sufficient reason for rejection.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the City Clerk, as agent of the Planning Commission, to send written notice of the proposed plat by first-class mail to owners of record of land immediately adjoining the property to be platted, as listed on the current tax roll of the city. The notice, stating the time and place of the Planning Commission meeting, must be received five days before the date of the Commission meeting where the preliminary plat will be presented. A copy of the notice also shall be sent to the applicants.
   (C)   Where the proposed subdivision is adjacent to or contains a Wayne County or State of Michigan trunkline highway, the Planning Commission shall forward three copies of the preliminary plat via the City Clerk to the Wayne County Road Commission or the Michigan State Highway Department for their respective approval.
   (D)   The Planning Commission shall review all details of the proposed subdivision within the framework of various elements of the master plan and within the design standards of this subdivision regulation.
   (E)   The Planning Commission shall have copies of the proposed preliminary plat transmitted to the City Engineer, the City Planner, the Director of Public Works, the Director of Parks and Recreation, the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, the Traffic Engineer and the appropriate school board for their technical review in their individual area of responsibility.
   (F)   Each department shall return their copy of the preliminary plat and their review, in writing, to the Planning Commission within 15 days of receipt of the proposed plat. The approval or disapproval, as the case may be, of the City Engineer, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Planning Consultant must appear written upon the preliminary plat.
   (G)   Land requirements for public uses within the framework of the Master Plan shall be considered in the review of each preliminary plat submitted.
   (H)   Prior to decision, the Commission shall permit objections to or concurrence with the plat to be heard or received.
   (I)   Should the Planning Commission reject the plat, the reason for rejection shall be entered in the official meeting minutes and the Commission shall cause the reason for rejection to be noted upon the Commission file copy. The secretary of the Commission shall notify the developer of the reason for the rejection by presenting him with a copy of the official minutes.
   (J)   Should the approval be conditional approval and therefore tentative, the subdivision layout shall not be forwarded to the City Council until the conditions have been satisfied by the subdivider. The revised layout shall follow the submittal procedure indicated under § 152.015.
   (K)   Should the Planning Commission find that all conditions have been satisfactorily met, it shall give preliminary approval to the subdivider. The Chairperson shall make notation to that effect on each copy of the preliminary plat, returning one copy to the subdivider, forward two copies to the City Engineer, including the copy bearing the approval of the governing road commission. One copy shall be forwarded to the City Assessor, two copies shall be retained for the Commission files, and all remaining copies shall be forwarded to the City Council with the recommendation for preliminary approval.
(‘83 Code, § 151.15) (Ord. 70-008, passed 7-27-70)