(A)   The salary of the Village Administrator shall be established by the Village Council, by separate ordinance, and shall be payable in 26 equal installments. The Village Administrator shall receive paid vacation, sick leave and hospitalization insurance in accordance with applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and/or other applicable village ordinances.
   (B)   The position of Village Administrator shall be entitled to the same benefits as granted other full- time village employees, with the below listed exceptions.
      (1)   The normal workweek for the above listed employee shall be 40 hours in pay status work in five consecutive eight hour days, exclusive of the time allotted for meals, during the period starting at 12:01 a.m. Sunday to 12:00 p.m. midnight Saturday.
      (2)   All supervisory or administrative personnel shall be subject to call whenever need exists. None of the supervisory or administrative personnel shall be entitled to overtime pay or compensatory time off, unless approved in writing by Council.
   (C)   The Village Administrator shall receive a mileage reimbursement according to current IRS standards for village business use of personal vehicles. Said reimbursement requests shall be itemized.
   (D)   The Village Administrator shall commence approved wastewater treatment operator training within one year of confirmation of appointment, and shall complete all requirements of the Ohio EPA for the wastewater operator class I license within two years of confirmation of appointment.
   (E)   The salary for the Village Administrator position shall be examined annually in conjunction with updating of the yearly wage and benefit ordinance for other employees after a term of one year.
   (F)   The Village Administrator may not live more than 50 miles from the village during the term of the current appointment.
(Ord. 1989-03, passed 5-1-1989; Ord. 2000-06, passed 9-5-2000; Ord. 2019-03, passed 2-13-2019)