(A)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall pay all orders issued by the town when presented properly endorsed if there is money in the treasury appropriated for that purpose sufficient to pay the same. If there is not enough money to pay for such orders, he or she shall write or stamp on the back thereof his or her name and the date of such presentation and note the same in a register of order to be provided by him or her for the purpose and such orders shall be entitled to draw interest at the rate of 6% per annum until there shall be money on hand sufficient to pay the same.
   (B)   Whenever there shall be money on hand to pay all outstanding orders which have been endorsed prior to any given date, the Town Clerk-Treasurer shall publish notice of such fact by two by two insertions in some newspaper of general circulation in the town, stating also in such notice that such outstanding orders will be redeemed on presentation, and interest shall cease on such orders from and after the last date of publication.
(Ord. 28, passed 9-21-1905)