(A)   On-premises free-standing signs shall be set in concrete footing of sufficient size and weight to prevent overturning the sign.
   (B)   (1)   Projections from pole signs shall be placed at least seven feet above the ground surface, if any portion of the sign is located closer than ten feet from any front lot line.
      (2)   Except in any B3 Zoning District, on-premises pole signs located on corner lots and of which any portion is within 30 feet from an intersection (corner of the property) shall not have any portion of the sign face, structure or pole below ten feet above the top curb line grades of intersecting streets, or below ten and one-half feet above the edge of the pavement grades where no curb is present. The foregoing restrictions shall apply to existing situations, as well as situations arising thereafter.
   Figure 152.211: Free-Standing Pole Sign
   (C)   Free-standing on-premises signs shall not be established within 75 feet, measured, of any free-standing off-premises signs on the existing lot.
   (D)   Shared use signs are permitted under the following conditions:
      (1)   The two entities sharing the sign must share a common lot line.
      (2)   One of the two entities involved must agree in writing to forfeit its right to place any freestanding pole, pylon, ground or monument sign on its property during the time the shared use sign is in place. A restrictive covenant concerning said agreement, in a form approved by the city, shall be recorded in the Knox County Recorder's Office indexed against the subject property, prior to the issuance by the city of a permit for a shared use sign.
      (3)   The maximum height and area of a shared use sign shall be equivalent to the maximum height and area ordinarily permitted in the zoning district in which the sign is to be located.
      (4)   Neither entity may occupy more than 66% of the sign face area of the shared use sign.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-3.7, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 14-3443, passed 4-21-2014)