In addition to any signs otherwise permitted under this subchapter, one on-premises free-standing sign used for highway identification, not to exceed 300 square feet per side in surface area, with a maximum of two sides and not to exceed 80 feet in height shall be allowed, provided that the following criteria are met:
   (A)   The property is located in a B2 or CPD District;
   (B)   All of the property is located within 1,500 feet of the centerline of Interstate 74 or U.S. Highway 34;
   (C)   The property is not less than one acre in size;
   (D)   The business is tourist-traveler oriented, such as hotels and motels, gas stations, truck stops and restaurants;
   (E)   On-premises free-standing highway identification signs should be set back a minimum of ten feet; and
   (F)   The signs shall in all other respects be in conformance with all other applicable requirements of this subchapter.
   (G)   Shared use signs are permitted under the following additional conditions:
      (1)   The two entities sharing the sign pole must share a common lot line.
      (2)   One of the two entities involved must agree in writing to forfeit its right to place any highway identification sign on its property during the time the shared use sign is in place. A restrictive covenant concerning said agreement in a form approved by the city, shall be recorded in the Knox County Recorder’s Office indexed against the subject property, prior to the issuance by the city of a permit for a shared use sign.
      (3)   The maximum height and setback of a shared use sign shall be equivalent to the maximum height and setback ordinarily permitted in the zoning district in which the sign is to be located.
      (4)   The maximum of sign face area of a shared use sign shall not exceed 250 square feet per sign face, inclusive of any border and trim, but excluding the base and apron, supports and other structural members.
      (5)   Shared use sign may be double or single faced, but shall not have more than two signs for each sign location. Double stacking of sign facings in a vertical or horizontal configuration is allowed.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-3.6, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 15-3488, passed 6-1-2015)