(A)   All illuminated signs shall be constructed in accordance with the “Standard for Electric Signs (U.L. 48) of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.”
   (B)   All electrical material used in any illuminated sign shall bear the label of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
   (C)   No sign shall be so illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness or obscures an official traffic sign, signal or device.
   (D)   Signs which are not effectively shielded to prevent beams or rays from being directed at any portion of traveled ways and are of an intensity or brilliance to cause glare or impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle or which otherwise interfere with any driver’s operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited.
   Figure 152.207: Illuminated Signs
   (E)   Externally illuminated building identification or other signs shall only use shielded light fixtures mounted on top of the sign structure.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-3.3, passed 1-4-2010)