All distances specified shall be walking distances between the parking spaces and a main entrance to the use served. The location of off-street parking spaces in relation to the use shall be as follows.
   (A)   For uses in a Residential or Agricultural District. Parking spaces accessory to dwellings shall be located on the same zoning lot as the principal use. Spaces accessory to uses other than dwellings may be located on a lot adjacent to or directly across a street or alley from the lot occupied by the principal use, but in no case at a distance in excess of 300 feet from the parking space to the main entrance.
   (B)   For uses in Business, Institutional, Office or Manufacturing Districts. All required parking spaces shall be within 1,000 feet of any entrance. To the extent possible, required parking spaces shall be located on the same zoning lot. If additional space is needed to accommodate the required parking spaces, they may be provided on an adjacent lot within the same or a less restrictive zoning district where an application for the request has been submitted to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, no parking spaces accessory to a use in a business or manufacturing district shall be located in a residential district, unless it is allowed by a special use as listed in the applicable district.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 2-1.4, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed 1-23-2012)