(A)   Seasonal sales lots.
      (1)   Material for seasonal sales (Christmas trees, pumpkins and the like) shall not be located in any right-of-way;
      (2)   The location of materials for sale are not to be located so as to block visibility for vehicles or pedestrians on or off the lot in a manner that would create a safety hazard;
      (3)   The sales shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., and for a period not to exceed 60 days;
      (4)   Use of a public address system or loudspeaker is expressly prohibited;
      (5)   All trash and debris is to be removed daily;
      (6)   If the operator of the sale does not own the property, written consent from the property owner or the authorized agent of the property shall be provided to the Community Development Department ;
      (7)   All signs shall conform to the standards set forth in this DO;
      (8)   All materials shall be removed within 48 hours of the end of the operation; and
      (9)   A license (peddlers, hawkers and transient merchants) must be obtained from the City Clerk per provisions of this municipal code.
   (B)   Seasonal sales of farm produce. Farm produce grown on the premises in the AG District may be sold on-site, according to the following provisions:
      (1)   The sales shall not continue for more than four months per year;
      (2)   Structures incidental to the sales, including roadside stands, must be portable and removed at the end of the sales season. Roadside stands are permitted in the required front yard;
      (3)   No sales or display activity shall be located on a public right-of-way;
      (4)   The location of materials for sale are not to be located so as to block visibility for vehicles or pedestrians on or off the lot in a manner that would create a safety hazard;
      (5)   All trash and debris is to be removed daily;
      (6)   All signage shall conform to the standards set forth in this DO; and
      (7)   A license (peddlers, hawkers and transient merchants) must be obtained from the City Clerk per provisions of this municipal code.
   (C)   Temporary outdoor sales. Temporary outdoor sales, including farmer’s markets, merchandising and promotional displays, are permitted in all nonresidential districts, subject to the following:
      (1)   The use shall be located along and have direct vehicular access to a public street;
      (2)   No sales or display activity shall be located on a public right-of-way;
      (3)   The location of materials for sale are not to be located so as to block visibility for vehicles or pedestrians on or off the lot in a manner that would create a safety hazard;
      (4)   All trash and debris is to be removed daily;
      (5)   If the operator of the sale does not own the property, written consent from the property owner or the authorized agent of the property shall be provided to the Community Development Department ;
      (6)   All signage shall conform to the standards set forth in this DO;
      (7)   All materials shall be removed within three days of the end of the operation; and
      (8)   A license (peddlers, hawkers and transient merchants) must be obtained from the City Clerk per provisions of this municipal code.
   (D)   Tents.
      (1)   No tent shall be erected, used or maintained for living quarters.
      (2)   A permit for the temporary use of tents for special events or sales shall be limited in duration to a maximum of 120 days. All tents shall be removed by the permit holder within 24 hours after the expiration of the permit. No more than one tent permit shall be issued per applicant in any calendar year.
   (E)   Construction trailers.  
      (1)   A licensed contractor engaged in a construction project for which a building permit has been issued by the Building Inspector may temporarily use a construction trailer for office facilities in the location where work is being done, provided that the construction trailer shall:
         (a)   Be placed only upon the property for which a building permit was issued authorizing construction, and not in any public right-of-way;
         (b)   Not be placed more than 14 days prior to the commencement of the work for which the building permit was issued;
         (c)   Not contain sleeping accommodations or cooking facilities; and
         (d)   Be removed within 14 days after the completion of the work for which the building permit was issued.
      (2)   Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months, and shall not be renewed for more than two successive periods at the same location.
   (F)   Real estate offices.  
      (1)   Temporary real estate office incidental to a new housing development shall:
         (a)   Not be used for sleeping or cooking purposes until the premises shall cease to be used as a real estate office;
         (b)   Continue only until all dwelling units in the development have been first sold or leased; and
         (c)   Be landscaped as approved by the Director of Community Development or his or her designee.
      (2)   Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months, and shall not be renewed for more than two successive periods at the same location.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 1-7.7, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017; Ord. 20-3609, passed 4-6-2020)
   Peddlers, hawkers and transient merchants, see Ch. 111