(A)   Criteria. The applicable development criteria referred to herein are those set forth in § 152.093.
   (B)   Permitting procedures.
      (1)   Attached wireless communications facilities with or without new building construction that meet the development criteria may be permitted by administrative review in all zoning districts except as hereinafter specified. All monopole type (or other tower types, if any, specified on Figure 152.092) wireless communications facilities with support structures that meet the development criteria and that are located on properties in Wireless Communication Facility Overlay District 1 (listed in Figure 152.092) may be permitted by administrative review except as hereinafter specified. All others, regardless of type or location, shall be subject to the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing process and may not be approved by the administrative review process.
      (2)   Any wireless communications facility (attached or with a support structure), regardless of type, to be located within a national historic district or local historic district or other designated overlay district will be subject to review by the appropriate district commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Review by a district commission shall be in accordance with that district ordinance administrative procedure for a certificate of appropriateness. All wireless communications facility applications that do not conform to the development criteria or are otherwise not eligible for administrative review shall be subject to the Planning and Zoning Commission review process.
   (C)   Wireless communications facilities as a part of a coordinated development approval. Wireless communications facilities as part of a proposed residential or nonresidential subdivision, planned unit development, site plan, rezoning or other coordinated development approval shall be reviewed and approved through those processes.
   (D)   Wireless communications facilities for temporary term. Temporary wireless communications facilities may be permitted by administrative approval for a term not to exceed 90 days. Once granted, a temporary wireless communications facility permit may be extended for an additional 90 days upon evidence of need by the applicant. In case of emergency (e.g., storm damage to an existing tower or other circumstances resulting in the interruption of existing service), the administrative review shall be expedited to the extent feasible.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 1-6.5, passed 1-4-2010)